This patch adds a new admin Filter, for Filtering nullable fields. It adds 3 possible choices: 'All' (no filter), 'Null' (it applies field__isnull=True filter), and 'With Value' (it filters null values).
This patch is interesting when you have a Integer or String fields and you want to filter wether a value is set or not. In other case, it would show too many filtering options.
Remember this is a patch and you must modify a django file in django/contrib/admin/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | Index: /home/bcm/wsp/www/django/contrib/admin/
--- /home/bcm/wsp/www/django/contrib/admin/ (revision 1815)
+++ /home/bcm/wsp/www/django/contrib/admin/ (working copy)
@@ -155,6 +155,24 @@
FilterSpec.register(lambda f: isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f, models.NullBooleanField), BooleanFieldFilterSpec)
+class NullFilterSpec(FilterSpec):
+ def __init__(self, f, request, params, model, model_admin):
+ super(NullFilterSpec, self).__init__(f, request, params, model, model_admin)
+ self.lookup_kwarg = '%s__isnull' %
+ self.lookup_val = request.GET.get(self.lookup_kwarg, None)
+ def choices(self, cl):
+ yield {'selected': self.lookup_val is None,
+ 'query_string': cl.get_query_string({}, [self.lookup_kwarg]),
+ 'display': _('All')}
+ for k, v in ((True,_('Null')),('',_('With value'))):
+ yield {'selected': k == self.lookup_val,
+ 'query_string': cl.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg: k}),
+ 'display': v}
+FilterSpec.register(lambda f: f.null, NullFilterSpec)
# This should be registered last, because it's a last resort. For example,
# if a field is eligible to use the BooleanFieldFilterSpec, that'd be much
# more appropriate, and the AllValuesFilterSpec won't get used for it.
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1. There is slight bug (Null is not shown to be selected without this change):
Change to:
2. One can use this without editing django, just create file for this, I call it
in myextrafilters
module.Then in the end of your
just do:#
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