I recently got a form working via jQuery and Django. This was not easy for me to do and I thought I'd record my finding here.
The form submits via jQuery and the "form" plugin. Please visit jQuery's home page to find all those links.
This code handles: * urls.py -- passing both normal and 'Ajax' urls to a view.
views.py -- Handling both kinds of requests so that both normal and ajax submits will work.
The HTML template with the script for submitting and some bling.
Error handling
I like to stay DRY so the idea of checking the form for errors in javascript and checking it in Django irks me. I decided to leave that up to Django, so the form submits and gets validated on the server. The error messages are sent back to the browser and then displayed.
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#Direct to template: For non-ajax form.
(r'afterform/$', 'django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template', {"template": 'contact/afterform.html',"extra_content":{"error":False} }),
#Handle contact form. Using a named url: Note use in template below.
#This url handles contact/ and contact/xhr : The 'xhr' is a flag to tell the
#view that this is an ajax POST. I can't recall what it stood for :)
url(r'contact/(?P<xhr>.*)$', 'scents.contact.views.contactForm',name='contactform'),
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
from django import forms
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.utils import simplejson
# This describes our "form" - on the server side.
class ContactForm( forms.Form ):
subject = forms.CharField(label = "Subject",max_length=80)
text = forms.CharField(label = "Your query",widget=forms.Textarea)
class Media:
# Plug in the javascript we will need:
js = ("/media/js/jquery/jquery-1.2.6.pack.js", "/media/js/jquery/plugins/form/jquery.form.js")
# The main view:
def contactForm( request, xhr="WTF?" ): #The xhr default is being ignored. Weird.
# Is this a POST?
if request.method == "POST":
form = ContactForm(request.POST)
#Check if the <xhr> var had something passed to it.
if xhr=="xhr":
# Yup, this is an Ajax request.
# Validate the form:
clean = form.is_valid()
# Make some dicts to get passed back to the browser
rdict = {'bad':'false'}
if not clean:
# This was painful, but I can't find a better way to extract the error messages:
for e in form.errors.iteritems():
d.update({e[0]:unicode(e[1])}) # e[0] is the id, unicode(e[1]) is the error HTML.
# Bung all that into the dict
rdict.update({'errs': d })
# Make a json whatsit to send back.
json = simplejson.dumps(rdict, ensure_ascii=False)
# And send it off.
return HttpResponse( json, mimetype='application/javascript')
# It's a normal submit - non ajax.
if form.is_valid():
# Move on to an okay page:
return HttpResponseRedirect("/scents/afterform/")
# It's not post so make a new form
form = ContactForm()#error_class=DivErrorList)
# Get it rollin:
return render_to_response(
contact.html (The template)
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block J%}{{form.media}}{% endblock %}
{% block CSS %}forms.css{%endblock%}
{% block JQUERY %}
// prepare the form when the DOM is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
// prepare Options Object
var options = {
url: '{% url contactform "xhr"%}', // Here we pass the xhr flag
dataType: 'json',
success: processJson, //What to call after a reply from Django
beforeSubmit: beforeForm
// bind form using ajaxForm
$('#tf').ajaxForm(options); //My form id is 'tf'
function beforeForm() {
$('#bt').attr("disabled","disabled"); //Disable the submit button - can't click twice
$('.errorlist').remove(); //Get rid of any old error uls
$('#emsg').fadeOut('slow'); //Get rid of the main error message
return true; //Might not need this...
#Do stuff with server reply:
function processJson(data) {
// This is the first time I have touched jQuery, so I'm not sure about my
// approach. It does work, but perhaps not in the best way.
//Do we have any data at all?
if (data) {
// Build a var. NOTE: Make sure your id name (this is a div) is NOT THE SAME
// as any var in javascript -- ie has a fit and barfs errors.
e_msg = "We received your form, thank you.";
// Did we set the 'bad' flag in Django?
// Use eval() to turn the stuff in the data object into actual vars.
if (eval(data.bad)) {
e_msg = "Please check your form.";
errors = eval(data.errs); //Again with the eval :)
// This is very nice: Go thru the errors, build an id name and
// then access that tag and add the HTML from the Django error
id = "#id_" + fieldname;
$(id).parent().before( errmsg ); //I want the error above the <p> holding the field
// re-enable the submit button, coz user has to fix stuff.
//Show the message
$('#emsg').text( e_msg ).fadeIn("slow");
} else {
$('#emsg').text("Ajax error : no data received. ").fadeIn("slow");
{% endblock %}
{% block CONTENT %}
<div id="emsg"> </div>
<form action="{% url contactform None %}" method="post" id="tf">
{{ form.as_p }}
<input class="input" type="submit" value="Send mail" id="bt"/>
{% endblock %}
Right, that's it. I hope. If I didn't make any horrible mistakes in writing this small tut then you should be able to reproduce the effect.
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When I try this on IE8, it prompts me to download the AJAX response!
Works on FF, Chrome etc - anything I could be doing wrong?
The mime type is incorrect for JSON responses. It should not be application/javascript, but application/json.
Also, the use of eval for JSON parsing is a Very Bad Thing. Use the JSON Javascript library at https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js
I don't think you need the painful method of getting the error message but can probably use this (untested): if not clean: rdict.update({'bad':'true'}) rdict.update({'errs': dict(form.errors.iteritems()) })
(I don't think you need unicode for this. If you do, then use a list comprehension).
This snippet does not submit the form without ajax if there are no errors, correct me if I am wrong.
"btaylordesign" is right about xhr flag, since you can get the type of the request from HttpRequestHeader, request.is_ajax() does what you need with xhr flag. So the url regex for capturing the "xhr" parameter is also not necessary. For newbies like me, this snippet is pointing out a nice way to deal with default form errors while submitting the form via ajax. The basic idea is returning a json object to the client side then check if any errors exist. If there is not your view should create the object then return a json object with 'bad':false which states your form is submitted successfully and related objects are created on server side, so it is kind of a success message for you to evaluate on client side. You can either show errors if 'bad':true or do whatever you need to do on a successful callback if 'bad':false.
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