- Author:
- gfranxman
- Posted:
- February 28, 2007
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- Pre .96
- Score:
- 6 (after 6 ratings)
I use this script to keep track of the cache usage for various sites. It presently only supports memcached because that's all that I use, but leave a comment with patches for other systems and I'll add them.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | import memcache
import re
import sys
from django.conf.settings import CACHE_BACKEND
verbose = False
if not CACHE_BACKEND.startswith( 'memcached://' ):
print "you are not configured to use memcched as your django cache backend"
m = re.search( r'//(.+:\d+)', CACHE_BACKEND )
cache_host = m.group(1)
h = memcache._Host( cache_host )
h.send_cmd( 'stats' )
stats = {}
pat = re.compile( r'STAT (\w+) (\w+)' )
l = '' ;
while l.find( 'END' ) < 0 :
l = h.readline()
if verbose:
print l
m = pat.match( l )
if m :
stats[ m.group(1) ] = m.group(2)
if verbose:
print stats
items = int( stats[ 'curr_items' ] )
bytes = int( stats[ 'bytes' ] )
limit_maxbytes = int( stats[ 'limit_maxbytes' ] ) or bytes
current_conns = int( stats[ 'curr_connections' ] )
print "MemCache status for %s" % ( CACHE_BACKEND )
print "%d items using %d of %d" % ( items, bytes, limit_maxbytes )
print "%5.2f%% full" % ( 100.0 * bytes / limit_maxbytes )
print "%d connections being handled" % ( current_conns )
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