- Author:
- jcroft
- Posted:
- February 27, 2007
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- Pre .96
- Score:
- 4 (after 4 ratings)
This is just a very short (and mostly useless on it's own) example of how the built in slugify filter can be used in a Python script to generate slugs. It was pulled from a script I've written to pull in items from Upcoming.org's API.
I post it because "sunturi" posted Snippet #29, which duplicates the functionality of the built-in slugify filter. In the comments of that snippet, santuri (and others) seem to believe that template filters can only be used within templates. This is incorrect, and I think it's important people understand they can be used elsewhere.
sunturi's snippet does remove prepositions from values before slugifying them, so if you need that, his code will work work. But if all you need is slugification, the built-in slugify filter will work fine -- in a Python script, as well as in a template.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | if city:
from django.template import defaultfilters
city_slug = defaultfilters.slugify(city)
state_slug = defaultfilters.slugify(state_abbr)
if state_slug:
location_slug = city_slug + '-' + state_slug
location_slug = city_slug
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Yeah, I do this all the time too when importing stuff from APIs
People just need to realize that filters are just functions. I usually use the striptags filter when sending emails.
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