Validates and cleans UK telephone numbers. Number length is checked, and numbers are cleaned into a common format. For example, "+44 (0)1234 567890" will be stored as "01234 567890".
Can reject premium numbers (0912 312 3123) or service numbers (1471, 118 118) with UKPhoneNumberField(reject=('premium', 'service'))
Can reject multiple number types so you can tune the form input to accept only landline or only mobile, or whatever combination you want.
Corrects the errors found in and adds extra functionality and detail to the code found at
In particular, this version rejects individual invalid area codes and caters for area codes with mixed-length numbering in fine-grained detail.
Uses info from: here
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 | from django.forms import ValidationError
from django.forms.fields import Field, EMPTY_VALUES
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
import re
import types
class UKPhoneNumberField(Field):
default_error_messages = {
'partial': _('Phone number must include an area code.'),
'non_uk': _('Phone number must be a UK number.'),
'length_range': _('Phone number must be between %d and %d digits'),
'length': _('Phone number must be %d digits'),
'reject_premium': _('Phone number can\'t be a premium rate number.'),
'reject_service': _('Phone number can\'t be a service number.'),
'reject_geo': _('Phone number can\'t be a geographic landline number.'),
'reject_georate': _('Phone number can\'t be a geographic-rate non-geographic number.'),
'reject_voip': _('Phone number can\'t be VoIP number.')
'reject_freefone': _('Phone number can\'t be a non-geographic freefone number.'),
'reject_business': _('Phone number can\'t be a non-geographic business number.'),
'reject_mobile': _('Phone number can\'t be mobile number.')
number_specs = (
(r'^01((1(3[0-48]|[46][0-4]|5[012789]|7[0-49]|8[01349])|21[0-7]|31[0-8]|[459]1\d|61[0-46-9]))\d{6}$', 'geo', (4, 3, 4)),
(r'^016977[23]\d{3}$', 'geo', (6, 4)),
(r'^01(3873|5(242|39[456])|697[347]|768[347]|9467)\d{5}$', 'geo', (6, 5)),
(r'^0176888[234678]\d{2}$', 'geo', (5, 5)),
(r'^01(2(0(46[1-4]|87[2-9])|545[1-79]|76(2\d|3[1-8]|6[1-6])|9(7(2[0-4]|3[2-5])|8(2[2-8]|7[0-4789]|8[345])))|3(638[2-5]|647[23]|8(47[04-9]|64[015789]))|4(044[1-7]|20(2[23]|8\d)|6(0(30|5[2-57]|6[1-8]|7[2-8])|140)|8(052|87[123]))|5(24(3[2-79]|6\d)|276\d|6(26[06-9]|686))|6(06(4\d|7[4-79])|295[567]|35[34]\d|47(24|61)|59(5[08]|6[67]|74)|955[0-4])|7(26(6[13-9]|7[0-7])|442\d|50(2[0-3]|[3-68]2|76))|8(27[56]\d|37(5[2-5]|8[239])|84(3[2-58]))|9(0(0(6[1-8]|85)|52\d)|3583|4(66[1-8]|9(2[01]|81))|63(23|3[1-4])|9561))\d{3}$', 'geo', (5, 5)),
(r'^01(2(0[024-9]|2[3-9]|3[3-79]|4[1-689]|[58][02-9]|6[0-4789]|7[013-9]|9\d)|3(0\d|[25][02-9]|3[02-579]|[468][0-46-9]|7[1235679]|9[24578])|4(0[03-9]|2[02-5789]|[37]\d|4[02-69]|5[0-8]|[69][0-79]|8[0-5789])|5(0[1235-9]|2[024-9]|3[0145689]|4[02-9]|5[03-9]|6\d|7[0-35-9]|8[0-468]|9[0-5789])|6(0[034689]|2[0-689]|[38][013-9]|4[1-467]|5[0-69]|6[13-9]|7[0-8]|9[0124578])|7(0[0246-9]|2\d|3[023678]|4[03-9]|5[0-46-9]|6[013-9]|7[0-35-9]|8[024-9]|9[02-9])|8(0[35-9]|2[1-5789]|3[02-578]|4[0-578]|5[124-9]|6[2-69]|7\d|8[02-9]|9[02569])|9(0[02-589]|2[02-689]|3[1-5789]|4[2-9]|5[0-579]|6[234789]|7[0124578]|8\d|9[2-57]))\d{6}$', 'geo', (5, 6)),
(r'^02(0[01378]|3[0189]|4[017]|8[0-46-9]|9[012])\d{7}$', 'geo', (3, 4, 4)),
(r'^03[0347]\d{8}$', 'georate', (4, 3, 4)),
(r'^0500\d{6}$', 'freefone', (4, 6)),
(r'^05[56]\d{8}$', 'voip', (3, 4, 4)),
(r'^07([1-5789]\d{2}|624)\d{6}$', 'mobile', (5, 6)),
(r'^070\d{8}$', 'premium', (3, 4, 4)),
(r'^08(001111|45464\d)$', 'freefone', (4, 4)),
(r'^0800\d{6}$', 'freefone', (4, 6)),
(r'^080[08]\d{7}$', 'freefone', (4, 3, 4)),
(r'^08(4[2-5]|70)\d{7}$', 'business', (4, 3, 4)),
(r'^0(87[123]|9([01]\d|8[0-3]))\d{7}$', 'premium', (4, 3, 4)),
(r'^11[68]', 'service', (3, 3)),
(r'^999$', 'service', (3,)),
(r'^1', 'service', None),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.reject = set(kwargs.pop('reject', ()))
super(UKPhoneNumberField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clean(self, value):
super(UKPhoneNumberField, self).clean(value)
value = smart_unicode(value)
if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
return u''
value = re.sub(r'[^0-9+]', r'', value)
value = re.sub(r'(?<!^)\+', r'', value)
value = re.sub(r'^\+44(?=[1-9])', r'0', value)
value = re.sub(r'^\+44(?=0)', r'', value)
if re.match(r'^(\+(?!44)|00)', value):
raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['non_uk'])
number_spec = self.get_number_spec(value)
if not number_spec:
raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['partial'])
if number_spec[0] in self.reject:
raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['reject_%s' % number_spec[0]])
if not self.valid_length(value, number_spec):
min_length, max_length = self.spec_lengths(number_spec)
if min_length == max_length:
raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['length']
% min_length)
raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['length_range']
% (min_length, max_length))
return self.format_number(value, number_spec)
def get_number_spec(self, value):
for number_spec in self.number_specs:
if re.match(number_spec[0], value):
return number_spec[1:]
return None
def spec_lengths(self, number_spec):
if not number_spec[1]:
return None, None
if type(number_spec[1][-1]) == types.TupleType:
min_length, max_length = number_spec[1][-1]
total = sum(number_spec[1][:-1])
min_length += total
max_length += total
min_length = max_length = sum(number_spec[1])
return min_length, max_length
def valid_length(self, value, number_spec):
min_length, max_length = self.spec_lengths(number_spec)
if min_length is not None and len(value) < min_length: return False
if max_length is not None and len(value) > max_length: return False
return True
def format_number(self, value, number_spec):
if number_spec[1] is None:
components = (value,)
components = []
position = 0
last_index = len(number_spec) - 1
for index, chunk in enumerate(number_spec[1]):
if index == last_index:
position += chunk
return ' '.join(components)
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