Ever want to call stored procedures from Django easily? How about PostgreSQL functions? That's that this manager attempts to help you with. To use, just stick this in some module and in a model do:
class Article(models.Model):
objects = ProcedureManager()
Now you can call procedures (MySQL or PostgreSQL only) to filter for models like:
Article.objects.filter_by_procedure('ProcName', request.user)
This will attempt to construct a queryset of objects. To just get random values, do:
Article.objects.values_from_procedure('ProcName', request.user)
Which will give you a list of dictionaries.
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from django.db.models.query import QuerySet, GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE, EmptyResultSet
from django.db.models.manager import Manager
from django.db.models import Model
from django.db import backend, connection, transaction
__all__ = ['ProcedureManager']
class PreparedStatementError(Exception):
class QuerySetLimitationError(PreparedStatementError):
class InvalidSQLProcedure(PreparedStatementError):
if 'mysql' in settings.DATABASE_ENGINE.lower():
prepared_command = 'CALL'
db_mysql = True
prepared_command = 'SELECT * FROM'
db_mysql = False
class QuerySetPrepared(QuerySet):
"""A QuerySet that represents the resultset of
a procedure -- either through MySQL's CALL
or PostgreSQL's stored functions.
To obtain one of these objects, simply
result = Model.objecs.filter_by_procedure('procedure_name',arg1, ...)
Since there are a lot of limitations in MySQL with stored procedures,
you cannot do much with this. You cannot filter, exclude, order, or
otherwise modify this query.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Define the procedure variables. """
self._proc_params = ()
self._proc_name = ''
super(QuerySetPrepared, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def iterator(self):
""" Like the Django iterator except is used for calling stored
# set the params that we're going to call the stored procedure of
proc_params = self._proc_params
proc_name = self._proc_name
select, sql, params = self._get_sql_clause()
except EmptyResultSet:
raise StopIteration
index_start = len(sql)
for token in (' ORDER BY ', ' WHERE ', ' LIMIT ',):
current_index = sql.find(token)
if current_index != -1 and current_index < index_start:
index_start = current_index
if index_start == len(sql) or db_mysql:
where_clause = ''
where_clause = sql[index_start:].replace('"%s".' % self.model._meta.db_table, '')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("%s %s(%s)%s" % (prepared_command,
', '.join('%s' for x in proc_params),
model_keys = [f.column for f in self.model._meta.fields]
while 1:
rows = cursor.dictfetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)
if not rows:
raise StopIteration
for row in rows:
# very simple "return result of procedure"
args = [row[model_key] for model_key in model_keys]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidSQLProcedure("'%s' does not provide the all the correct columns for the model, %s" %
(proc_name, tuple(model_keys)))
object_ = self.model(*args)
yield object_
def count(self):
""" Counts the number of objects this queryset represents. """
if self._result_cache is not None:
return len(self._result_cache)
# since we're using a stored procedure/prepared statement,
# we cannot use COUNT
if db_mysql:
return len(self._get_data())
counter = self._clone()
offset = counter._offset
limit = counter._limit
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s(%s)' % (self._proc_name,
', '.join('%s' for x in self._proc_params)),
count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
if offset:
count = max(0, count - offset)
if limit:
count = min(limit, count)
return count
def complain(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise QuerySetLimitationError("You cannot perform this operation on a query that uses prepared statements or stored procedures.")
def complain_optionally(method):
""" Complain only if the database backend is MySQL. """
if db_mysql:
return QuerySet.complain
return method
# These functions are not allowed when used with MySQL's Stored Procedures
_filter_or_exclude = complain_optionally(QuerySet._filter_or_exclude)
complex_filter = complain_optionally(QuerySet.complex_filter)
order_by = complain_optionally(QuerySet.order_by)
distinct = complain_optionally(QuerySet.distinct)
# These functions will not work with any of this.
values = complain
dates = complain
delete = complain
extra = complain
select_related = complain
in_bulk = complain
def __getitem__(self, k):
if db_mysql:
return self._get_data().__getitem__(k)
return super(QuerySetPrepared, self).__getitem__(k)
def _clone(self, klass=None, **kwargs):
""" Clone this queryset to a new one. """
if klass is None:
klass = self.__class__
c = super(QuerySetPrepared, self)._clone(klass, **kwargs)
c._proc_name = self._proc_name
c._proc_params = self._proc_params
return c
class ProcedureManager(Manager):
""" ``ProcedureManager`` allows Django Models to easily call
procedures from the database. This manager exposes two
additional functions to ``Model.objects``::
- ``values_from_procedure``: Returns a list of tuples that were
returned from the call.
- ``filter_by_procedure``: Returns a ``QuerySetPrepared`` that represents
the list of objects returned by that procedure.
To use, simply add the objects statement in your model. For example::
class Article(models.Model):
objects = ProcedureManager()
Then just call it like any filter::
Article.objects.filter_by_procedure('articles_with_author', request.user)
def values_from_procedure(self, proc_name, *proc_params):
""" Return whatever a result of a procedure is.
The proc_name is the name of a stored procedure or function.
This will return a list of dictionaries representing the
rows and columns of the result.
new_params = [clean_param(param) for param in proc_params]
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("%s %s(%s)" % (prepared_command,
', '.join('%s' for x in new_params)),
rows = cursor.dictfetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)
retVal = []
while rows:
for row in rows:
rows = cursor.dictfetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)
return retVal
def filter_by_procedure(self, proc_name, *proc_params):
""" Use this to get a QuerySetPrepared of objects by a
database procedure.
query_set = self.get_query_set()
proc_query_set = QuerySetPrepared()
new_params = [clean_param(param) for param in proc_params]
proc_query_set._proc_name = proc_name
proc_query_set._proc_params = new_params
del query_set
return proc_query_set
def clean_param(param):
if hasattr(param, '_get_pk_val'):
# has a pk value -- must be a model
return str(param._get_pk_val())
if callable(param):
# it's callable, should call it.
return str(param())
return str(param)
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It compatible with Django 2.2, i try use then and give a error
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