- Author:
- bikeshedder
- Posted:
- June 3, 2007
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- .96
- Score:
- 3 (after 3 ratings)
This snippet provides a form_for_model and form_for_instance function which create newforms that respect the unique and unique_together constraints defined in the model.
One thing about the coding style in this code snippet: Classes are capitalized even if they're passed as arguments. Thus "Model" is a model class while "model" is a model instance.
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form_field = model_field.formfield(**kwargs)
if form_field:
form_field.model_field = model_field
return form_field
def _join(l):
l = list(l)
return '%s and %s' % (', '.join(l[:-1]), l[-1])
def validate_unique_constraint(form, Model, model, field_names):
'''Check a single 'unique' or 'unique_together' constraint'''
filter = {}
# search for other objects with the same data for the unique fields
for field_name in field_names:
if field_name not in form.cleaned_data:
# No cleaned data for the field means either that the field is
# nullable and was left empty or that the field itself did not
# validate.
filter[field_name] = form.cleaned_data[field_name]
query_set = Model.objects.filter(**filter)
# exclude model instance
if model is not None:
query_set = query_set.exclude(id=model.id)
# raise ValidationError if query gives a result
if query_set.count() > 0:
if len(field_names) > 1:
raise ValidationError('The fields %s must be unique together.' \
% _join('"%s"' % Model._meta.get_field(field_name).verbose_name for field_name in field_names))
raise ValidationError('The field "%s" must be unique.' \
% Model._meta.get_field(field_names[0]).verbose_name)
def validate_unique_constraints(form, Model, model=None):
'''Check 'unique' and 'unique_together' constraints defined in the Model and Fields.'''
# check 'unique' constraints defined in the fields
for field_name in form.fields:
model_field = Model._meta.get_field(field_name)
if model_field.unique:
validate_unique_constraint(form, Model, model, [field_name])
# check 'unique_together' constraints defined in the model
unique_together = Model._meta.unique_together
for field_names in unique_together:
validate_unique_constraint(form, Model, model, field_names)
def enhance_form(Form, Model, model=None):
'''Wrap the Form.clean method and add checks for unique constraints.'''
wrapped_clean = Form.clean
def clean(form):
form.cleaned_data = wrapped_clean(form)
validate_unique_constraints(form, Model, model)
return form.cleaned_data
Form.clean = clean
def form_for_model(Model, **kwargs):
from django.newforms.models import form_for_model
Form = form_for_model(Model, formfield_callback=formfield_factory, **kwargs)
enhance_form(Form, Model)
return Form
def form_for_instance(model, **kwargs):
from django.newforms.models import form_for_instance
Form = form_for_instance(model, formfield_callback=formfield_factory, **kwargs)
enhance_form(Form, type(model), model)
return Form
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