Every now and then you need to have items in your database which have a specific order. As SQL does not save rows in any order, you need to take care about this for yourself. No - actually, you don't need to anymore. You can just use this file - it is designed as kind-of plug-in for the Django ORM.
Usage is (due to use of meta-classes) quite simple. It is recommended to save this snippet into a separate file called positional.py
. To use it, you only have to import PositionalSortMixIn
from the positional
module and inherit from it in your own, custom model (but before you inherit from models.Model
, the order counts).
Usage example: Add this to your models.py
from positional import PositionalSortMixIn
class MyModel(PositionalSortMixIn, models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=200, unique=True)
Now you need to create the database tables: PositionalSortMixIn
will automatically add a postition
field to your model. In your views you can use it simply with MyModel.objects.all().order_by('position')
and you get the objects sorted by their position. Of course you can move the objects down and up, by using move_up()
, move_down()
In case you feel you have seen this code somewhere - right, this snippet is a modified version of snippet #245 which I made earlier. It is basically the same code but uses another approach to display the data in an ordered way. Instead of overriding the Manager
it adds the position
field to Meta.ordering
. Of course, all of this is done automatically, you only need to use YourItem.objects.all()
to get the items in an ordered way.
Update: Now you can call your custom managers object
as long as the default manager (the one that is defined first) still returns all objects. This Mix-in absolutely needs to be able to access all elements saved.
In case you find any errors just write a comment, updated versions are published here from time to time as new bugs are found and fixed.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
class InjectingModelBase(models.base.ModelBase):
"""This helper metaclass is used by PositionalSortMixIn.
This metaclass injects the additional IntegerField position,
which holds the information about the position of the item
in the list."""
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
"""Metaclass constructor calling Django and then modifying
the resulting class"""
# get the class which was alreeady built by Django
child = models.base.ModelBase.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
# try to add some more or less neccessary fields
# add the IntegerField
position_field = models.IntegerField(editable=False, unique=True)
# try to get the `position` field
except FieldDoesNotExist:
# it was not found - create it now
child.add_to_class('position', position_field)
except AttributeError:
# add_to_class was not yet added to the class.
# No problem, this is called twice by Django, add_to_class
# will appear later
# we're done - output the class, it's ready for use
return child
class PositionalSortMixIn(object):
"""This mix-in class implements a user defined order in the database.
To apply this mix-in you need to inherit from it before you inherit
from `models.Model`. It adds an IntegerField called `position` to your
model. Be careful, it overwrites any existing field that you might have
defined. Additionally, this mix-in changes the default ordering
behavior to order by the position field.
Take care: your model needs to have a manager which returns all objects
set as default manager, that is, the first defined manager. It does not
need tp be named `objects`. Future versions of this Mixin may inject its
own, private manager"""
# get a metaclass which injects the neccessary fields
__metaclass__ = InjectingModelBase
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the class and set up some magic"""
# call the parent - the ensure it behaves exactly like
# the original model
models.Model.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# set position as the first field to order.
# of course this gets overridden when using database queries which
# request another ordering method (order_by)
if 'position' not in self._meta.ordering:
self._meta.ordering = ['position'] + list(self._meta.ordering)
def get_object_at_offset(self, offset):
"""Get the object whose position is `offset` positions away
from it's own."""
# get the class in which this was mixed in
model_class = self.__class__
return model_class._default_manager.get(position=self.position+offse
except model_class.DoesNotExist:
# no such model? no deal, just return None
return None
# some shortcuts, convenience methods
get_next = lambda self: self.get_object_at_offset(1)
get_previous = lambda self: self.get_object_at_offset(-1)
def move_down(self):
"""Moves element one position down"""
model_class = self.__class__
# get the element after this one
one_after = self.get_next()
if not one_after:
# already the last element
# flip the positions
# a spare position field is needed
final = model_class._default_manager.all().order_by('-position')[0].posi
tion + 1
# move the object after this one to the bottom of the list
one_after.position = final
# move this object one down
self.position += 1
# move the element that was after this one before this one now
one_after.position = self.position - 1
def move_up(self):
"""Moves element one position up"""
model_class = self.__class__
# get the element before this one
one_before = self.get_previous()
if not one_before:
# already the first
# flip the positions:
# first get a spare position field
final = model_class._default_manager.all().order_by('-position')[0].posi
tion + 1
# move the object that was before to the exact last position
one_before.position = final
# now, move this object one position up
self.position -= 1
# finally, move the object that was before to the position after this ob
one_before.position = self.position + 1
def insert_after(self, other):
"""Inserts an object in the database so that the objects will be ordered
behind the `other` object - this has to be of the same type, of course""
# we only need to call another method and prepare the proper parameters
self.insert_at(other.position + 1)
def insert_at(self, position):
"""Saves the object at a specified position.
The `position` field """
# get the class reference
model_class = self.__class__
# the position in what we want to put this in
self.position = position
# get all the objects which are at or after the currrent position
# order them from back to front because of the unique `position` constra
objects_after = model_class._default_manager.filter(position__gte=positi
for element in objects_after:
element.position += 1
def swap_position(self, other):
"""Swaps the position with some other class instance"""
# save the current position
current_position = self.position
# set own position to special, temporary position
self.position = -1
self.position, other.position = other.position, current_position
for obj in (other, self):
def save(self):
"""Saves the model to the database.
It populates the `position` field of the model automatically if there
is no such field set. In this case, the element will be appended at
the end of the list."""
model_class = self.__class__
# is there a position saved? (explicitly testing None because 0 would be
false as well)
if self.position == None:
# no, it was empty. Find one
# get the last object
last = model_class._default_manager.all().order_by('-position')[
# the position of the last element
self.position = last.position + 1
except IndexError:
# IndexError happened: the query did not return any objects
# so this has to be the first
self.position = 0
# save the now properly set-up model
return models.Model.save(self)
def delete(self):
"""Deletes the item from the list."""
model_class = self.__class__
# get all objects with a position greater than this objects position
objects_after = model_class._default_manager.filter(position__gt=self.po
# now we remove this model instance
# so the `position` is free and other instances can fill this gap
# iterate through all objects which were found
for element in objects_after:
# decrease the position in the list (means: move forward)
element.position -= 1
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This is exactly what I needed to provide a method for admin to set the order of objects retrieved by preference. I was hoping you or someone could provide a specific usage example for a newbie to Django like me. I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get this inherited from my model. Thanks very much.
When I do objects.create(...) I get new() takes exactly 4 arguments (1 given). This only started happening after I inherited positional.PositionalSortMixIn
I am a total newbie - bare with me
Do I import PositionalSortMixIn in the model? How do I hook position ordering to an object? What does the import line look like?
IOW can someone give me copy-paste examples. Thanks in advance!
One of my objects is now correctly using PositionalSortMixIn. The get_object_at_offset is working and retrieving the correct item. However move_down and move_up can't save:
IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '4' for key 2")
Could this snippet be broken with development version of Django?
<hr />A temporary fix would be to intermediately save a -1 for one field so that everything is unique, while storing a variable with the position that -1 then gets in a secondary .save()
like so:
jokull, you were right. At some point I added a unique constraint to the
field which broke things. But it was absolutely neccessary, otherwise thare would be some strange corruption in the data (dublicate positions, missing positions).I solved this in the meantime, using a temporary position field and added some decorators that should prevent data corruption.
I added now some usage example in the description text - now it should be simpler to get how
works. The new version ofPositionalSortMixIn
takes a litte bit more care about adding theposition
attribute to a class to prevent it from being added twice. I also added a possibility to add an object at a defined position instead of appending it to the end.Some methods are not yet optimal, but the current version should be working fine.
How would one integrate this into the admin then? I guess it's not within the capabilities of the current admin. I will probably make a custom view with a javascript layer to drag and drop into position.
I have coded some kind of integration into the admin. It is done by adding some sort of "toolbox" in the list of objects. Currently it contains the up and down arrows and a copy button. I can post it (create a new snippet), if you are interested but it works only in the current admin and is going to break once Django switches to newforms-admin. When newforms-admin will be merged I'll try to add this toolbox functionality into that as well as I find it quite useful.
Having a cool drag and drop functionality would be really cool, for this I think we'll need something like
, but it's not a big deal.#
With a javascript drag and drop you'd only need to serialize and overwrite everything in one go. Or hit the database with each "drag-drop" and keep everything in sync that way.
I'm not sure which option would be the best. Hitting the database with every "drag-drop" is probably quite slow and overwriting eveything does not seem to be optimal. But I have never implemented drag and drop in JavaScript so I would be interested in a nice implementation.
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