A middleware which will protect from page hammering using flexible spanning time windows using the cache backend. Please read the Docstring of the class for details.
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from django.core.cache import cache
from collections import deque
class HammeringMiddleware(object):
A middleware which will protect from page hammering using flexible spanning time windows using the cache backend.
One IP is allowed to do SPAM_REQUEST_WINDOW_PER_IP requests per SPAM_TIME_WINDOW seconds.
If more requests are done, the middleware will simply redirect to a warning page specified in SPAM_WINDOW_EXCEEDED_VIEW and block
requests to pages other than SPAM_WINDOW_EXCEEDED_VIEW for HAMMER_WINDOW_EXCEEDED_BLOCK seconds.
The last SPAM_REQUEST_WINDOW_PER_IP request timestamps will be logged in the cache in a list (deque). This cache key
by default lasts for a maximum of SPAM_REQUEST_WINDOW_PER_IP * SPAM_TIME_WINDOW and can be configured
Notes on Ajax requests: If you have a website that does many subrequests per page view, such as websites with much Ajax-based
content, you may have to consider either lowering HAMMER_TIME_WINDOW or increasing HAMMER_REQUEST_WINDOW_PER_IP. The time window
threshold may hit often on those mentioned sites and users within a network (with the same IP).
You also have the option to turn HammeringMiddleware off for Ajax-based requests by enabling HAMMER_EXEMPT_AJAX in settings. This
is not recommended, though.
Note on django-newcache: If you are using newcache as your backend, which supports thundering herd mitigation, set HAMMER_CACHE_HAS_HERDING
to True. This will append the kwarg herd=False to cache.set calls.
- HammeringMiddleware should be the very first entry in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES tuple
- This middleware should be used with a memory-based (locmem/memcached) cache backend but works well with others
maxreq = getattr(settings, "HAMMER_REQUEST_WINDOW_PER_IP", 25)
window = getattr(settings, "HAMMER_TIME_WINDOW", 5)
ctimeout = getattr(settings, "HAMMER_CACHE_TIMEOUT", window * maxreq)
blockFor = getattr(settings, "HAMMER_WINDOW_EXCEEDED_BLOCK", window)
tooFastView = getattr(settings, "HAMMER_WINDOW_EXCEEDED_VIEW", "/hammering/")
exemptAjax = getattr(settings, "HAMMER_EXEMPT_AJAX", False)
skipHerd = getattr(settings, "HAMMER_CACHE_HAS_HERDING", False)
def reject(self):
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.tooFastView)
def setCache(self, key, value, timeout):
if self.skipHerd:
cache.set(key, value, timeout, herd=False)
cache.set(key, value, timeout)
def process_request(self, request):
# get ident from forwarded IP, else REMOTE_ADDR
addr = request.META.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"])
ident, identBlocked = "rsm_%s" % addr, "rsmb_%s" % addr
# we don't want to hammer ourselves with our HttpResponseRedirect, if we are on the warning page.
# if settings tells us we should exempt ajax requests, don't go futher, either.
if (request.is_ajax() and self.exemptAjax) or request.path.startswith(self.tooFastView):
# user is blocked? don't handle the request
if cache.get(identBlocked, False):
return self.reject()
reqinfo = cache.get(ident, deque([], self.maxreq+1))
cTime = time.time()
# append the current timestamp to the list - we are using deque here, with maxitems set, so it will be capped at all times.
# remove all timestamps from our list that are older than our time window
for stamp in list(reqinfo):
if cTime - stamp > self.window:
self.setCache(ident, reqinfo, self.ctimeout)
itemcount = len(reqinfo)
if itemcount == self.maxreq and itemcount > 1:
if reqinfo[-1] - reqinfo[0] < self.window:
# if we hit the threshold, redirect (the first item in the list, which is the oldest timestamp,
# compared to the newest timestamp in the list, exceeds the time window)
# block him also
self.setCache(identBlocked, 1, self.blockFor)
return self.reject()
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