A custom templatetag for inlining image in the browser. The principe is to base64 encode the image and avoid a http request. There is a cache handling, you just have to specify a writable directory.
An example of the utilisation (template part): http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2267/
The explication on http://raphaelbeck.wordpress.com/2010/11/14/make-inline-images-to-improve-performance-with-django-template-tags/
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django templates tags for images
@author: R. BECK
@version: 0.1
#from __future__ import with_statement #Python 2.5
import base64
import os
import Image
from re import compile as compile_re
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
from django.conf import settings
from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError, Node, Library, Template
register = Library()
CACHE_DIR = "/tmp"
templatevar_re = compile_re("\{\{(.+)\}\}")
media_re = compile_re("\{\{MEDIA_ROOT|MEDIA_URL\}\}")
class EmbeddedImgNode(Node):
"""Image node parser for rendering html inline base64 image"""
def __init__(self, attributes):
self.attrs = {}
attrs = self.attrs
for attr_value in attributes:
attr, value = attr_value.split('=', 1)
except ValueError, val_err:
raise TemplateSyntaxError(u"Syntax Error :", val_err)
attrs[attr] = value
src = attrs.get('src')
if not src:
raise TemplateSyntaxError(u"You have to specify a non-empty src \
def _encode_img(self, file_path):
"""Returns image base64 string representation and makes a cache file"""
filename = file_path.rpartition(os.sep)[2]
need_cache = True
content = ""
cache_file = "%s_cache" % os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, filename)
with open(cache_file, 'r') as cached_file:
content = cached_file.read()
need_cache = False
except IOError:
if need_cache:
image = open(file_path, 'r')
out = StringIO()
base64.encode(image, out)
content = out.getvalue().replace('\n', '')
except IOError:
with open(cache_file, 'w+') as cached_file:
except IOError:
return content
def _render_img(self):
"""Prepare image attributes"""
attrs = self.attrs
attrs_get = attrs.get
src = attrs_get('src')
height = attrs_get('height')
width = attrs_get('width')
if media_re.search(src):
src = src.replace('{{MEDIA_ROOT}}', '') \
.replace('{{MEDIA_URL}}', '')
src = src.replace('"', '')
src = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, src)
img = Image.open(src)
_width, _height = img.size
_format = 'image/%s' % img.format
if not height:
attrs['height'] = '%spx' % _height
if not width:
attrs['width'] = '%spx' % _width
b64encoded = self._encode_img(img.filename)
attrs['src'] = "data:%s;base64,%s" % (_format, b64encoded)
except IOError:
attrs['src'] = ""
def render(self, context):
attrs = self.attrs
search = templatevar_re.search
for k, v in attrs.iteritems():
if search(v):
attrs[k] = Template(v).render(context)
return """<img %s />""" % ' '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v if v else '""')
for k, v in attrs.iteritems()])
def do_embedded_img(parser, token):
return EmbeddedImgNode(token.split_contents()[1:])
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