Number format: number/year
Purpose: When the user adds a new bill, the "number" field will be automatically filled with the appropriate number.
- The snippet automatically increments the bill number based in the highest number available. This is because in the use case, the user could start by any number, and we couldn't use the PK number (p.e. if the user first object number is 324/10, using the PK will convert it to 1/10)
NOTE: bill_type is a Boolean value to mark if the bill is outgoing or ingoing. Since we only need to mark the outgoing ones, we filter through this field.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | class Bill(models.Model):
def __number():
Automatic bill number generator.
bill_emmited: returns a list with all the bill objects
with bill_type=False
latest_object: from bill_emmited get the latest one
and convert it to string to manipulate
first_number: returns the first number of the latest_object field
and adds 1
If there's no bill objects, return first_number=1. The overall
function returns either an incremented first_number slash year or
one slash year.
current_year ='%y')
bill_emmited = Bill.objects.filter(bill_type__exact=False)
latest_object = bill_emmited.latest('number').__str__()
first_number = int(latest_object.split("/")[0]) + 1
except Bill.DoesNotExist:
first_number = 1
return '%s/%s' % (first_number, current_year)
number = models.CharField(_('Bill number'), max_length=10, unique=True, \
bill_type = models.BooleanField()
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