Makes models orderable on the change list page of the admin using drag and drop with jQuery UI (via sortable()). So you can order your objects in more easy way.
Inspired by snippets #1053 and #998
First, ordering field to your model (default called 'order). You can specify other name for this field, but you should add 'order_field' attr to model (i.e order_field = 'your_new_order_field_name')
Also, snippet adds 'order_link' field to admin's changelist and hides it by javascript.
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from django.db import models
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
class MenuItemManager(models.Manager):
def get_query_set(self):
return super(MenuItemManager, self).get_query_set().order_by("order", "id")
class MenuItem(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, verbose_name="Name")
order = models.IntegerField(blank = True, null = True)
objects = MenuItemManager()
order_field = 'order' # You can specify your own field for sorting, but it's 'order' by default
class Meta:
db_table = u"menu"
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s" %
def order_link(self):
model_type_id = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.__class__).id
obj_id =
kwargs = {"model_type_id": model_type_id}
url = reverse("admin_order", kwargs=kwargs)
return '<a href="%s" class="order_link">%s</a>' % (url, str( or '')
order_link.allow_tags = True
order_link.short_description = 'Order' # If you change this you should change admin_sorting.js too
(r'^order/(?P<model_type_id>\d+)/$', '', {}, 'admin_order'),
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
def order(request, model_type_id=None):
if not request.is_ajax() or not request.method == "POST":
return HttpResponse("BAD")
indexes = request.POST.get('indexes', []).split(",")
klass = ContentType.objects.get(id=model_type_id).model_class()
order_field = getattr(klass, 'order_field', 'order')
objects_dict = dict([(, obj) for obj in klass.objects.filter(pk__in=indexes)])
min_index = min(objects_dict.values(), key=lambda x: getattr(x, order_field))
min_index = getattr(min_index, order_field) or 0
for index in indexes:
obj = objects_dict[int(index)]
setattr(obj, order_field, min_index)
min_index += 1
except IndexError:
except klass.DoesNotExist:
except AttributeError:
return HttpResponse()
# admin_sorting.js
$(function() {
axis: 'y',
items: '.row1, .row2',
stop: function(event, ui) {
var indexes = Array();
var url = "";
$("#content-main").find(".row1, .row2").each(function(i){
var id = $(this).find('.order_link').html();
// the bad way i know.
url = $(this).find('.order_link').attr('href');
url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: {
indexes: indexes.join(","),
$('#content-main table tbody').find('.order_link').parent('td').hide();
:contains(value) — value here must be the same as in model's
$('#content-main table thead').find('th:contains("Order")').hide();
$("#content-main table tbody").disableSelection();
class MenuItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('id', 'name', 'order_link')
list_display_links = ('id', 'name')
ordering = ('order','id')
class Media:
js = ("js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js",
"js/admin_sorting.js",), MenuItemAdmin)
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bug on line 9: s/MenuManager/MenuItemManager/
It'd also be helpful to put a comma at the end of the line (when copying it's easy to neglect to put in ones own comma). Thanks again.
Thank you for reply. i've fixed typos :)
how do I get rid of "CSRF verification failed. Request aborted." error? I tried decorating the order view with @csrf_exempt - no cure :(
Never mind my comment :) Fixed that.
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