This snippet adds simple partial support to your templates. You can pass data to the partial, and use it as you would in a regular template. It is different from Django's {% include %}, because it allows you to pass a custom variable (context), instead of reusing the same context for the included template. This decouples the templates from each other and allows for their greater reuse.
The attached code needs to go into templatetags folder underneath your project. The usage is pretty simple - {% load ... %} the tag library, and use {% partial_template template-name data %} in your template. This will result in template passed as template-name to be loaded from your regular template folders.
The variables are passed in a with compatiable syntax, eg. VAR as NAME and VAR as NAME No limitations on the number of variables passed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 | from django.template import Library, Variable, Node
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError
register = Library()
Combines 'with' and 'include' to something useful:
For example:
{% partial "table_list.html" hot as urls and 1 as listid and "Hot items" as title %}
Will include the "table_list.html" file -- using the same include rules a django
and have the 'listid', 'urls', and 'title' variables set in the include context.
class PartialNode(Node):
def __init__(self, path, is_constant, params):
self.params = params
self.tmpl = None
self.vtmpl = None
if is_constant :
try :
self.tmpl = get_template(path)
except :
if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG :
else :
self.vtmpl = Variable(path)
def render(self, context):
tmpl = None
if self.tmpl :
tmpl = self.tmpl
elif self.vtmpl :
try :
t = self.vtmpl.resolve(context)
tmpl = get_template(t)
except TemplateSyntaxError, e :
if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG :
return ''
except :
return '' # Fail silently for invalid included templates.
if not tmpl :
return ''
update = {}
for k, v in self.params.items() :
val = v.resolve(context)
print "V = ", v, val
update[k] = val
output = tmpl.render(context)
return output
def render_partial(parser, token):
params = {}
bits = token.split_contents()
if len(bits) < 2 :
raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r tag takes at least one argument: the name of the template to be included" % bits[0])
path = bits[1]
state = 0
val = None
for p in bits[2:] :
if state == 0 :
val = p
state += 1
elif state == 1 :
if p.lower() != 'as' :
raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected format is 'value as name'" % bits[0])
state += 1
elif state == 2 :
params[p] = Variable(val)
state += 1
elif state == 3 :
if p.lower() != 'and' :
raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected format is 'value as name and'" % bits[0])
state = 0
except ValueError:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, '%r tag requires at least a single argument and no spaces in name:value list' % parts[0]
if path[0] in ('"', "'") and path[0] == path[-1] :
return PartialNode(path[1:-1], True, params)
return PartialNode(path, False, params)
render_partial = register.tag('partial', render_partial)
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