This middleware will add a log of the SQL queries executed at the bottom of every page. It also includes a query count and total and per-query execution times.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | from django.db import connection
from django.template import Template, Context
class SQLLogMiddleware:
def process_response ( self, request, response ):
time = 0.0
for q in connection.queries:
time += float(q['time'])
t = Template('''
<p><em>Total query count:</em> {{ count }}<br/>
<em>Total execution time:</em> {{ time }}</p>
<ul class="sqllog">
{% for sql in sqllog %}
<li>{{ sql.time }}: {{ sql.sql }}</li>
{% endfor %}
response.content = "%s%s" % ( response.content, t.render(Context({'sqllog':connection.queries,'count':len(connection.queries),'time':time})))
return response
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Is there some trick or dependency to this? Returns 0 for me. 0 queries, 0 seconds.
If you see no queries:
You must set DEBUG=True in
I improved this snippet in Snippet 344.
It counts duplicated SQL queries.
Since Unicode branch I've changed code at bottom to:
more pythonic time calculation:
also this snippet doesn't work with JSON response content out of the box
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