The BooleanField and DecimalField elif
blocks are only included in this snippet to give context in the Insert the CurrencyField block into the file and the Currency fields will display properly in record lists. If you have all of the objects ( Currency Object, Currency Widget, Currency Form Field, and the Currency DB Field ) then all you have to do is use the DB Field object and the Admin app will (should) work properly.
Please let me know if you have any problems.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | # Modify: django\contrib\admin\templatetags\
from django.utils.currency import Currency
# Booleans are special: We use images.
elif isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(f, models.NullBooleanField):
result_repr = _boolean_icon(field_val)
# CurrencyFields are special: use locale currency format.
elif isinstance(f, models.fields.special.CurrencyField):
if field_val is not None:
result_repr = Currency(field_val).format()
# DecimalFields are special: Zero-pad the decimals.
elif isinstance(f, models.DecimalField):
if field_val is not None:
result_repr = ('%%.%sf' % f.decimal_places) % field_val
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