First version Apr 9 09
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# PseudoFieldManager v0.0 - Yeago
# Just make sure your model manager has a corresponding
# snake_filter method and it shall be called when you do
# filter(snake='pliskin')
# Ain't pretty right now, but its flexible....
# YourManagerClass(PseudoFieldManager):
# def language_filter(value,suffix=None):
# return self.filter(Q( {'primary_language%s' % (suffix or '') : value })|
# Q({'secondary_language%s % (suffix or ''): value}))
# will accurately convert filters such as....
# * filter(language='english')
# * filter(language__in=['english',spanish'])
# * filter(language__startswith='english') <-- __wtvr
# * filter(language='aramaic',middle_name='H.') <-- pseudo + non-pseudo
from django.db import models
from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
class PseudoFieldManager(models.Manager):
def filter(self,*args,**kwargs):
return super(PseudoFieldManager, self).filter(*args,**kwargs)
except FieldError,e:
# **Dear Django, pass 'field name' and 'filter name' in exception args!
# Thanks, -yeago
import re
pattern = re.compile("Cannot resolve keyword '([^']+)' into field.*")
matches = pattern.match(e.message)
if matches and hasattr(self,'%s_filter' % matches.groups()[0]):
#Great, so our manager has a foo_filter method to call. Let's rock
suffix = None # May store __in, __startswith, etc.
field_name = matches.groups()[0]
filter_string = field_name # Might be the same. But might not.
filter_pattern = re.compile('^(%s__\w+)$' % field_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
kwarg_match = filter_pattern.match(kwarg)
if kwarg_match:
filter_string = kwarg
suffix = '__%s' % filter_string.split("__")[1]
# Great, so they're using foo__in=val or something.
# Let's get outta here.
value = kwargs[filter_string]
# Call the errant field with the corresponding foo_filter,
# Also, carry on the query! Maybe they passed in other kwargs!
# It will call recursively if there's another pseudo_field.
del kwargs[filter_string]
return getattr(self,'%s_filter' % field_name)(value,suffix=suffix).filter(*args,**kwargs)
# Play us out.
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