Simple template tag to show a calendar. I use it to display events (which is a model with a start_date and end_date attribute. You probably should change this according to your needs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 | # Template tag
from datetime import date, timedelta
from django import template
from myapp.models import Event # You need to change this if you like to add your own events to the calendar
register = template.Library()
from datetime import date, timedelta
def get_last_day_of_month(year, month):
if (month == 12):
year += 1
month = 1
month += 1
return date(year, month, 1) - timedelta(1)
def month_cal(year, month):
event_list = Event.objects.filter(start_date__year=year, start_date__month=month)
first_day_of_month = date(year, month, 1)
last_day_of_month = get_last_day_of_month(year, month)
first_day_of_calendar = first_day_of_month - timedelta(first_day_of_month.weekday())
last_day_of_calendar = last_day_of_month + timedelta(7 - last_day_of_month.weekday())
month_cal = []
week = []
week_headers = []
i = 0
day = first_day_of_calendar
while day <= last_day_of_calendar:
if i < 7:
cal_day = {}
cal_day['day'] = day
cal_day['event'] = False
for event in event_list:
if day >= and day <=
cal_day['event'] = True
if day.month == month:
cal_day['in_month'] = True
cal_day['in_month'] = False
if day.weekday() == 6:
week = []
i += 1
day += timedelta(1)
return {'calendar': month_cal, 'headers': week_headers}
Put this in your template (in my case agenda/month_cal.html):
<table class="cal_month_calendar">
{% for day in headers %}
<th>{{ day|date:"D"|slice:":2" }}</hd>
{% endfor %}
{% for week in calendar %}
{% for day in week %}
<td{% if not day.in_month %} class="cal_not_in_month"{% endif %}>{% if day.event %}<a href="/calendar/{{|date:"Y/m" }}/">{{|date:"j" }}</a>{% else %}{{|date:"j" }}{% endif %}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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I'm having problems getting this to work - I'm not entirely sure where the tag gets the year/month from. Can you help?
You can use this template tag by putting this in your template:
{% month_cal 2007 5 %}
This would render the calendar for May 2007. Of course you can use variables instead of hardcoded year/month.
Hope that helps!
Hmmm - well, things are different anyway. First I got an AttributeError from line 42 - it didn't like date() as a method of a datetime object - and now when I load it it manages to load my events page (ie the same page) in the space where the calendar should be.
I'll keep fiddling....
I've made a couple changes to the code, that others may find useful:
This will draw the calendar dynamically based on the current month and year. Thus, you can call the variable in the template with no arguments or 2:
Also, your calendar draws the beginning of the week with Monday. Some prefer Sunday. This was easy with the following code change:
Is it possible to view an example of the use of this?
Can you put more instruction how to put all of the code into separate *.py files and html file, I'm new to this project
Change line 65 to terminate element correctly:
Are there any updates for this snippet? Also, I tried using the templatetag and have included in my template file. For example,
{% load 129 %} {% month_cal 2008 11 %}
Can you elaborate a little bit more on the start_date and end_date attribute of the tag? Let's say, I have modified the from myapp.models import Event to party.models import Event based on the party model.
Thank you for your contribution.
If you replace:
event_list = Event.objects.filter(start_date__year=year, start_date__month=month)
event_list = Event.objects.filter(start_date__gte=first_day_of_calendar, start_date__lte=last_day_of_calendar)
Then appointments that are in the visible days of other months are also shown.
Or, for bonus points:
event_list = Event.objects.filter(end_date__gte=first_day_of_calendar, start_date__lte=last_day_of_calendar)
will include appointments that span multiple days
using monthrange:
first_day_of_month =, month, 1)
last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
first_day_of_calendar = first_day_of_month - datetime.timedelta(first_day_of_month.weekday())
last_day_of_calendar =,month,last_day_of_month[1]) + datetime.timedelta(7 - calendar.weekday(year,month,last_day_of_month[1]))
I want to know if this code will help me , i need that the user select initial date and final date from the same month of from one month to another in the same year, and in the template i need to show the 12 month's of the current year and show in different color the selected day's.... im new with Django, so i need to know if that will help me.
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