- Author:
- gustavo80br
- Posted:
- March 25, 2008
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- .96
- Score:
- 3 (after 3 ratings)
This template tag build a Form splitted in fieldsets. The fieldsets are configured with a second parameter, that is a tuple like the one used in the Admin class in models in the attribute "fields".
You pass to the template the form and the tuple and than use them as parameters for the templatetag.
You can take a look at the source and modify It to build forms the way you like.
It is very useful If you do not like the way Django build forms with the methods as_p, as_ul or as_table and also do not like to write html by hand.
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# Use the tag like this:
# {% draw_form form fieldsets %}
# Where 'form' is the form to be draw and 'fieldsets' is a tuple containing the
# fieldsets and the contained fields.
# Example on how to build the fieldsets parameter
# fiedsets = (
# ('Personal Data', {'fields':('name','gender'), 'id':'personal_data'}),
# ('Address', {'fields':('street','number','city','zip_code'), 'id':'address'}),
# )
from django.template import Library
register = Library()
def draw_form(form, fieldsets=False):
def get_fields_html(fields, f):
fields_html = []
append = fields_html.append
for field_name in fields:
field = f[field_name]
cls = []
help_text = ''
errors = ''
if f.fields[field_name].required:
if field.help_text:
help_text = '<span>%s</span>' % field.help_text
if f[field_name].errors:
errors = str(f[field_name].errors)
cls = ' class="%s"' % " ".join(cls)
append('<li%s>%s<label for="%s">%s:</label> %s %s</li>' % (cls, errors, field_name, field.label, str(field), help_text))
return "".join(fields_html)
form_html = []
append_to_form = form_html.append
form.auto_id = True
fieldset_template = '<fieldset%(id)s><legend>%(legend)s</legend><ul>%(fields)s</ul></fieldset>'
if fieldsets:
for fieldset in fieldsets:
context = {}
id = fieldset[1].get('id')
if id:
context['id'] = ' id="%s"' % id
context['id'] = ''
context['legend'] = fieldset[0]
fields = fieldset[1]['fields']
context['fields'] = get_fields_html(fields, form)
append_to_form(fieldset_template % context)
return "".join(form_html)
fields = form.fields.keys()
return get_fields_html(fields, form)
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This has a bug that makes it not work if you have translated your forms with gettext_lazy.
Change the code on line 42 to make it work properly:
append('<li%s>%s<label for="%s">%s:</label> %s %s</li>' % (cls, errors, field_name, unicode(field.label), str(field), help_text))
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