Add FakeSSLMiddleware
to the top of your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
stack when running tests or developing locally to allow https:// links to operate correctly. Can be used in conjunction with other SSL middleware to allow critical tests to be performed.
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HTTPS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'https://([\w./\-:\?=%_]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
FAKE_HTTPS_PATTERN = re.compile(
r'http://([\w./\-:\?=%%]+)[\?&]%s=1' % SECURE_GET_VARIABLE, re.IGNORECASE)
ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = ('href', 'action')
r"""\s*(?P<quote_delimiter>["'])(?P<attribute_value>.*?[^\\])\2""" %
# note that SECURE_GET_VARIABLE is currently assume to be at the end of
# the query string. I have not been bitten by this assumption yet...
def secure_url(url):
""" Adds SECURE_GET_VARIABLE to query string within url if absent.
>>> secure_url('http://localhost:8000')
>>> secure_url('http://localhost:8000?test=true')
>>> secure_url('http://localhost:8000?test=true&FAKE_HTTPS=1')
>>> secure_url('http://localhost:8000?FAKE_HTTPS=1')
>>> url = 'http://localhost:8000/login/?next=/profile/%3FFAKE_HTTPS%3D1'
>>> secure_url(url)
if FAKE_HTTPS_PATTERN.match(url):
return url # unnecessary
if '?' in url:
joiner = '&'
joiner = '?'
return '%s%c%s=1' % (url, joiner, SECURE_GET_VARIABLE)
def https_to_fake(string):
""" Convert https:// URL to http:// with SECURE_GET_VARIABLE.
>>> https_to_fake('https://localhost:8000')
>>> https_to_fake('https://localhost:8000?existing_variable=1')
>>> url = 'https://localhost:8000/login/?next=/profile/%3FFAKE_HTTPS%3D1'
>>> https_to_fake(url)
def _secure_url(match):
return secure_url('http://%s' % match.groups()[0])
return HTTPS_PATTERN.sub(_secure_url, string)
def fake_to_https(string):
""" Convert http:// URL to https:// if contains SECURE_GET_VARIABLE.
>>> fake_to_https('http://localhost:8000?FAKE_HTTPS=1')
>>> fake_to_https('http://localhost:8000?existing_variable=1&FAKE_HTTPS=1')
>>> url = 'http://localhost:8000/go/?next=/%3FFAKE_HTTPS%3D1&FAKE_HTTPS=1'
>>> fake_to_https(url)
return FAKE_HTTPS_PATTERN.sub(r'https://\1', string)
def secure_relative_urls(string):
""" Convert add SECURE_GET_VARIABLE to relative URLs in href attributes.
>>> secure_relative_urls('... href="/test" ...')
'... href="/test?FAKE_HTTPS=1" ...'
>>> secure_relative_urls('... href="" ...')
'... href="" ...'
>>> secure_relative_urls('... href="/test" ...')
'... href="/test?FAKE_HTTPS=1" ...'
def _secure_relative_url(match):
params = match.groupdict()
if params['attribute_value'].find('://') >= 0:
pass # ignore absolute URLs
params['attribute_value'] = secure_url(params['attribute_value'])
return ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT % params
return ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN.sub(_secure_relative_url, string)
class FakeSSLMiddleware(object):
""" Fake SSL For local/testing environments. """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not settings.DEBUG and not getattr(settings, 'TESTING', False):
raise RuntimeError, "Disable on production site!"
def process_request(self, request):
""" Hack request object to fake security.
- replace is_secure method with test for SECURE_GET_VARIABLE in GET
- remove SECURE_GET_VARIABLE from query string
- undo build_absolute_uri method's work of adding https:// to
relative URIs where request.is_secure...
(see django.http.utils.fix_location_header)
- make HTTP_REFERER look secure if contained SECURE_GET_VARIABLE,
so that CSRF doesn't catch us out.
GET = request.GET.copy() # immutable QueryDict
secure = bool(GET.pop(SECURE_GET_VARIABLE, False))
request.GET = GET
request.is_secure = lambda: secure
request.environ['QUERY_STRING'] = \
re.sub(r'&?%s=1' % SECURE_GET_VARIABLE,'',
setattr(request,'_build_absolute_uri', request.build_absolute_uri)
def build_http_only_uri(location=None):
uri = request._build_absolute_uri(location)
return https_to_fake(uri)
request.build_absolute_uri = build_http_only_uri
if 'HTTP_REFERER' in request.META:
request.META['HTTP_REFERER'] = \
def process_response(self, request, response):
""" Replace https:// with http:// within HTML responses + redirects """
if response.status_code in (301, 302):
headers = response._headers.copy() # immutable QueryDict
headers['location'] = (
'Location', https_to_fake(response['Location']))
response._headers = headers
elif response.status_code == 200:
if response['Content-Type'].find('html') >= 0:
decoded_content = response.content.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
decoded_content = response.content
response.content = \
if request.is_secure():
response.content = secure_relative_urls(response.content)
return response
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You forgot to add
from django.conf import settings
at the top of the snippet.Otherwise, it's working great, thanks!
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