- Author:
- limodou
- Posted:
- February 25, 2007
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- Pre .96
- Score:
- 36 (after 38 ratings)
This tool is used for dump and restore database of Django. And it can also support some simple situations for Model changes, so it can also be used in importing data after the migration of Model.
It includes: dump and restore.
Command Line:
python db_dump.py [-svdh] [--settings] dump [applist]
If applist is ignored,then it means that all app will be dumped. applist can be one or more app name.
Description of options:
- -s Output will displayed in console, default is writing into file
- -v Display execution infomation, default is does not display
- -d Directory of output, default is datadir in current directory. If the path is not existed, it'll be created automatically.
- -h Display help information.
- --settings settings model, default is settings.py in current directory.
It can only support Python format for now. It'll create a standard python source file, for example:
dump = {'table': 'tablename', 'records': [[...]], 'fields': [...]}
table' is table name in database, records is all records of the table, it's a list of list, that is each record is a list. fields` is the fields name of the table. Load(Restore) ¶
Command Line:
python db_dump.py [-svdrh] [--settings] load [applist]
You can refer to the above description for same option. Others is:
- -r Does not empty the table as loading the data, default is empty the table first then load the data
Using this tool, you can not only restore the database, but also can deal with the simple changes of database. It can select the suitable field from the backup data file according to the changed Model automatically, and it can also deal with the default value define in Model, such as default parameter and auto_now and auto_now_add parameter for Date-like field. And you can even edit the backup data file manually, and add a default key for specify the default value for some fields, the basic format is:
'default':{'fieldname':('type', 'value')}
default is a dict, the key will be the field name of the table, the value will be a two element tuple, and the first element of this tuple is type field, the second element is its value. Below is a description of type field:
type value description
'value' real value using the value field directly 'reference' referred field name the value of this filed will use the value of referred field. It'll be used when the field name is changed 'date' 'now'|'yyyy-mm-dd' It's a date date type, if the value field is 'now', then the value be current time. Otherwise, it'll be a string, it's format is 'yyyy-mm-dd' 'datetime' 'now'|'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' The same as above 'time' 'now'|'hh:mm:ss' The same as above
The strategy of selection of default value of a field is: first, create a default value dict according the Model, then update it according the default key of backup data file. So you can see if there is a same definition of a field in both Model and backup data file, it'll use the one in backup data file.
According the process of default value, this tool will suport these changes, such as: change of field name, add or remove field name, etc. So you can use this tool to finish some simple update work of database.
But I don't give it too much test, and my situation is in sqlite3. So download and test are welcome, and I hope you can give me some improve advices.
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# This tool is used for dump and reload data from and into database
# You can see the help info through:
# python db_dump.py -h
# For now, it only support .py format, so the output result will
# be saved as python source code, and you can import it.
# Version 2.2 2007-11-01
# * improve postgresql sequence field process, thanks [email protected] and Matthew Wensing
# * add errorquit option in command line
# Version 2.1 2007-09-18
# * add Time type support
# Version 2.0 2007-09-11
# * refact, and add aoto reset postgres sequence, thanks Eric SIMORRE
# Version 1.9 2007-09-02 (Merge from RichardH)
# * Adds try-except to catch the changes in db.backend refactoring in
# svn version. So db_dump.py can support old version except trunk.
# Version 1.8 2007-08-30
# * Fix backend.quote_name to backend.DatabaseOperations().quote_name
# Thanks to richardh
# Version 1.7 2007-05-28
# * keep up with the change of GenericRel, so you can use db_dump.py
# in trunk and version before 0.97
# Version 1.6 2007-04-09
# * Add float support
# Version 1.5 2007-02-08
# * If the filename is not exists, then skip it
# Version 1.4 2007-01-21
# * support mysql
# Version 1.3 2007-01-20
# * change the output format of data file, and improve the process
# effective of dumpping and loading
# Version 1.2 2007-01-20
# * change dumpdb to use model info but not cursor.description,
# because some database backend does not support cursor.description
# Version 1.1 2007-01-19
# * if no arguments after db_dump.py, then it'll show help infomation
# Version 1.0 2007-01-18
import os, sys
import datetime
import decimal
from optparse import OptionParser
quote_flag = None
def _get_table_order(app_labels):
from django.db.models import get_app, get_apps, get_models
from django.db.models import ForeignKey, OneToOneField
if not app_labels:
app_list = get_apps()
app_list = [get_app(app_label) for app_label in app_labels]
models = {}
for app in app_list:
for model in get_models(app):
models[model._meta.db_table] = model
s = []
rules = []
def order(s, rule):
a, b = rule
i = s.index(a)
j = s.index(b)
if j<i:
del s[i]
s.insert(j, a)
j = s.index(b)
del s[j]
for i, table in enumerate(models.keys()[:]):
for field in models[table]._meta.fields:
if isinstance(field, (ForeignKey, OneToOneField)):
tname = field.rel.to._meta.db_table
if not models.has_key(tname) or tname == table:
rules.append((tname, table))
order(s, (tname, table))
n = []
for k, v in models.items():
if s.count(k) == 0:
return [models[k] for k in s+n]
def _find_key(d, key):
if not d:
return None
for k, v in d.items()[:]:
if k == key:
return d
result = _find_key(v, key)
if result is not None:
return result
def loaddb(app_labels, format, options):
from django.db import connection, transaction
if options.verbose:
print "Begin to load data for %s format...\n" % format
models = _get_table_order(app_labels)
cursor = connection.cursor()
errornum = 0
if not options.remain and not options.stdout:
m = models[:]
for model in m:
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM %s WHERE 1=1;' % quote_name(model._meta.db_table))
for table, fields in get_model_many2many_stru(model):
cursor.execute('DELETE FROM %s WHERE 1=1;' % quote_name(table))
success = True
for model in models:
load_model(cursor, model, format, options)
setSequence(cursor, model)
for table, fields in get_model_many2many_stru(model):
load_model(cursor, (table, fields), format, options)
setSequence(cursor, model)
except Exception, e:
import traceback
sys.stderr.write("Problem loading %s format '%s' : %s\n" % (format, model, str(e)))
success = False
errornum += 1
if options.errorquit:
print "Error found! The database has been rollbacked!"
if success:
if errornum:
print "There are %d errors found! The database has been rollbacked!" % errornum
print "Successful!"
def load_model(cursor, model, format, options):
datadir, verbose, stdout = options.datadir, options.verbose, options.stdout
sql = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);'
if isinstance(model, (tuple, list)):
filename = os.path.join(datadir, model[0] + '.%s' % format)
fields, default = model[1], {}
opts = model._meta
filename = os.path.join(datadir, opts.db_table + '.%s' % format)
fields, default = get_model_stru(model)
if verbose:
print '..Dealing %s for %s format...\n' % (filename, format)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
if verbose:
print '..%s does not exists, so Skip it..\n' % filename
objs = {}
if format == 'py':
s = []
f = file(filename, 'rb')
for line in f:
varname = line.split('=')[0]
if varname.strip() != 'records':
d = {}
exec ''.join(s) in d
objs['table'] = d.get('table', '')
objs['fields'] = d.get('fields', [])
objs['default'] = d.get('default', {})
objs['records'] = f
# f = file(filename, 'rb')
# objs = f.read()
# records = objs['records']
# f.close()
raise 'Not support this format %s' % format
fs = objs['fields']
table = objs['table']
default.update(objs.get('default', {}))
count = 0
for row in objs["records"]:
if row.strip() == ']':
row = eval(row)
d = dict(zip(fs, row))
sql_fields = []
sql_values = []
for fd in fields:
v = None
if d.has_key(fd):
v = d[fd]
if default.get(fd, None) is not None:
kind, value = default[fd]
if not kind or kind == 'value':
v = value
elif kind == 'reference':
v = d[value]
except KeyError:
sys.stderr.write("Referenced field [%s] does not exist\n" % value)
elif kind == 'date':
if not value or value == 'now':
v = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
v = value
#add time support
elif kind == 'time':
if not value or value == 'now':
v = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
v = value
elif kind == 'datetime':
if not value or value == 'now':
v = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
v = value
raise Exception, "Cann't support this default type [%s]\n" % kind
if v is not None:
e_sql = sql % (quote_name(table),
','.join(map(quote_name, sql_fields)), ','.join(['%s'] * len(sql_fields)))
if stdout:
print e_sql, sql_values, '\n'
cursor.execute(e_sql, sql_values)
count += 1
sys.stderr.write("Error sql: %s %s\n" % (e_sql, sql_values))
if verbose:
print '(Total %d records)\n' % count
except Exception, e:
import traceback
sys.stderr.write("Problem loading %s format '%s' : %s\n" %
(format, filename, str(e)))
def get_model_stru(model):
from django.db.models.fields import DateField, DateTimeField, TimeField, IntegerField
fields = []
default = {}
for f in model._meta.fields:
v = f.get_default()
if v is not None:
default[f.column] = ('value', v)
if isinstance(f, (DateTimeField, DateField, TimeField)):
if f.auto_now or f.auto_now_add:
v = datetime.datetime.now()
default[f.column] = ('value', f.get_db_prep_save(v))
# Need to fix sqlite defaulting None values to ''
if isinstance(f, IntegerField):
default[f.column] = ('value', None)
return fields, default
def get_model_many2many_stru(model):
from django.db.models import GenericRel
from django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import GenericRel
opts = model._meta
for f in opts.many_to_many:
fields = []
if not isinstance(f.rel, GenericRel):
yield f.m2m_db_table(), fields
def dumpdb(app_labels, format, options):
from django.db.models import get_app, get_apps, get_models
datadir, verbose, stdout = options.datadir, options.verbose, options.stdout
if verbose:
print "Begin to dump data for %s format...\n" % format
if len(app_labels) == 0:
app_list = get_apps()
app_list = [get_app(app_label) for app_label in app_labels]
if not os.path.exists(datadir):
errornum = 0
for app in app_list:
for model in get_models(app):
write_result(dump_model(model), format, options)
for result in dump_many2many(model):
write_result(result, format, options)
except Exception, e:
import traceback
sys.stderr.write("Unable to dump database: %s\n" % e)
errornum += 1
if options.errorquit:
if errornum:
print "There are %d errors found!" % errornum
print "Successful!"
def dump_model(model):
from django.db import connection
opts = model._meta
cursor = connection.cursor()
fields, default = get_model_stru(model)
cursor.execute('select %s from %s' %
(','.join(map(quote_name, fields)), quote_name(opts.db_table)))
return call_cursor(opts.db_table, fields, cursor)
def call_cursor(table, fields, cursor):
yield table
yield fields
while 1:
rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
if rows:
for row in rows:
yield _pre_data(row)
def _pre_data(row):
row = list(row)
for i, fd in enumerate(row):
if isinstance(fd, datetime.datetime):
row[i] = row[i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # + '.' + str(row[i].microsecond).rstrip('0')
elif isinstance(fd, datetime.date):
row[i] = row[i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
elif isinstance(fd, datetime.time):
row[i] = row[i].strftime('%H:%M:%S')
elif isinstance(fd, decimal.Decimal):
row[i] = row[i].__float__()
return row
def dump_many2many(model):
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
for table, fields in get_model_many2many_stru(model):
cursor.execute('select %s from %s' %
(','.join(map(quote_name, fields)), quote_name(table)))
yield call_cursor(table, fields, cursor)
def write_result(result, format, options):
table = result.next()
fields = result.next()
filename = os.path.join(options.datadir, table + '.%s' % format)
if options.verbose:
print '..Dumping %s ...\n' % filename
if not options.stdout:
f = file(filename, 'wb')
f = sys.stdout
print >>f, 'table = %r' % table
print >>f, 'fields = %r' % fields
print >>f, '#default item format: "fieldname":("type", "value")'
print >>f, 'default = {}'
print >>f, 'records = ['
i = 0
for t in result:
print >>f, repr(t)
i += 1
print >>f, ']'
if options.verbose:
print '(Total %d records)\n' % i
if not options.stdout:
def quote_name(s):
from django.db import backend
if quote_flag == 'old':
return backend.quote_name(s)
return backend.DatabaseOperations().quote_name(s)
#thanks for Matthew Wensin
def setSequence(cursor, model):
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import AutoField
# postgresql: reset sequence
if settings.DATABASE_ENGINE in ('postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql'):
autofields = [field for field in model._meta.fields if isinstance(field, AutoField)]
for f in autofields:
seq = quote_name('%s_%s_seq' % (model._meta.db_table, f.name))
cursor.execute("SELECT nextval('%s');" % seq)
nb = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
if nb:
cursor.execute('ALTER SEQUENCE %s RESTART WITH %d;' % (seq, nb))
def get_usage():
usage = """
%prog [options] action [applist]:
action: dump load
return usage
def execute_from_command_line(argv=None):
# Use sys.argv if we've not passed in a custom argv
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
# Parse the command-line arguments. optparse handles the dirty work.
parser = OptionParser(usage=get_usage())
help='Python path to settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main". If this isn\'t provided, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.')
parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', help='Output/Input directory.', default="datadir", dest="datadir")
# parser.add_option('-f', '--format', help='Data format(json, xml, python).', type="choice",
# choices=['json', 'xml', 'python'], default='json')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose mode', action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-s', '--stdout', help='Output the data to stdout', action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-r', '--remain', help='Remain the records of the tables, default will delete all the records. Only used for loading.', action='store_true')
parser.add_option('-e', '--errorquit', help='If there are errors occured, then exit the program.', action='store_true')
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
if len(args) == 0:
action = args[0]
apps = args[1:]
if options.settings:
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = options.settings
from django.core.management import setup_environ
import settings
except ImportError:
print "You don't appear to have a settings file in this directory!"
print "Please run this from inside a project directory"
global quote_flag
import django.db
# Earlier Django versions.
quote_flag = 'old'
except AttributeError:
# Django after backend refactoring.
quote_flag = 'new'
if action == 'dump':
dumpdb(apps, 'py', options)
elif action == 'load':
loaddb(apps, 'py', options)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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I used this script to move my project from sqlite to MySQL.
My project was using sqlite. I ran 'python db_dump.py dump'; it didn't tell me much but I could see it created a new folder full of my data. I then modified settings.py to have details for my fresh MySQL database/user, ran './manage.py syncdb', then re-ran db_dump.py in 'load' mode. It perfectly copied all of my data into the new MySQL database and I'm now running at a much zippier speed.
Until now I wasn't aware of a simple way to move database platforms with Django. Good work, limodou!
You can add -v option to see the tedious output, and if you want to test the output data, you can add -s option. And after
command, you can specify the apps, just like:user books
, if there are more than one app, you should seperate them with blank. I'm very glad that you like it.#
Man what a useful script!
Thanks for this limodou!
this is one seriously cool script.
I was going to write a simple db dump & import tool for my dj projects extracting just some tables given the db but this takes the idea one step forward. Two questions I did have:
1) I tried "python db_dump.py --settings=/path/to/settings/ dump ". I could only get the script to work directly in the settings dir. Do you have any idea why?
2) I have lots of text with single quotes in it. In the stored version. How do you handle this case when storing the data in a list?
Hello there! It's certainly a hot today.
Would the result be stored as ...
[' Hello there! It's certainly a hot today.']
this will (should) fail for me.
, it should be a module format but not a real path. So you can set PYTHONPATH to your project first, then you can just dump without--settings
parameter.because I using repr(r) to dump the data, so it'll convert to python string representation, and for "'" it'll convert to "\'", so I think it no error for db_dump.py. And you can try to dump the data with -s parameter, it'll output the dump result to screen. Or directly dump the data to directory, and open the data file to see if it's correct.
Hi limodou, thanks for replying.
Beaut, I'll try that. I've seen something similar in code so I'll try it. I was using a 'real path'. Hence the problem.
I dumped the data as you suggest to stdout and the "'" & '"' are both covered. I wonder if you can mix a single quote and a double quote into the string? I think I'll check this. One thing you can do with django is write test cases so I might add some tests to check these boundary cases. Let you know when I'm done.
thanks. I'v seen it. And the design is different.
It seems that boolean fields dumped incorrectly. When dumping from mysql and loading into postgres database I saw an error:
I didn't test it in postgres, and how to deal with boolean field in postgres?
I edit file datadir/auth_user.py by hand and set fields corresponding to is_staff, is_active and is_superuser to True instead of 1. Then load to postgres with no errors.
Dumping from postgres gives True values in dump file.
I simply use
rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
to get the result, and directly dump the result by repr(). So maybe the boolean type processing is different between postgres and mysql or sqlite3.#
Regarding django changeset 5172, I think that this should fix the problem:
Thanks, I'v changed it now.
I have problem loading data to postgres. Data are imported succesfully, but no pkey_seq is set. It will cause "duplicate primary key" exception when adding new item.
I think the problem is following: When pk is specified in insert, sequence is not incremented. The solution could be to setval('seq', MAX(pk)+1) after inserts (only if database postgres ?).
What do you think?
I'm familiar with postgres, so could write a patch for that? I'll merge it.
If you are following the Django svn version, lines 332 and 367 of db_dump.py will need amending twice in each line replacing:
DatebaseOperations() insertion also required on lines 124, 126, 235, 236.
Thanks, I'v changed it.
limodou - thanks for the script! Here's a patch for the change lenducha suggested... the current method using count() doesn't work reliably because if a record in the middle of a sequence has been erased, a simple count will be off...
thanks thn, and I updated the source code. But there is somewhat different from your patch.
Why wouldn't you just use mysqldump?
First, it's not limited in data dump, you can use it to migrate data from one database to another type database.
Second, you can use it to resolve model structure change.
Looking quite tasty, I'll try this. But, what is the difference between 'db_dump' and already existing 'dumpdata' and 'loaddata' ?
ManyToManyFields with a "through" arg cause an IntegrityError on load, because db_dump tries to dump or load the table twice: once for the model with the ManyToManyField, once for the through Model. The following patch fixes it for me.
This appears not to work if you use inherited models. E.g. the approved Django way of doing user-profiles is now to derive an object from auth.User.
But if you do this, the code (v2.2) tries to insert all the fields into the child class, and not put anything into the parent class.
Anyone else come acrorss this?
I think the fix to work with inherited models properly is to just change line 292 above from:
This works in my simple test, and appears to make sense, but I don't know enough about Django internals to be sure this is safe.
Hi and thanks a lot for the useful script!! Unfortunately, I think the db_dump does not work properly with the latest release of Django 1.2.
Could you maybe have a look at this?
Sincerely, Simon
Still not working. The problem seems only occur when dumping data from Postgresql. I think line 441 is outdated:
if settings.DATABASE_ENGINE in ('postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql'):
fix: if settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2':
But still dumping data from Postgresql won't work.
Please help!
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