Easy way to generate image thumbnails for your models. Works with any Storage Backend.
From: http://code.google.com/p/django-thumbs/
Usage example:
photo = ImageWithThumbsField(upload_to='images', sizes=((125,125),(300,200),)
To retrieve image URL, exactly the same way as with ImageField: my_object.photo.url
To retrieve thumbnails URL's just add the size to it: my_object.photo.url_125x125 my_object.photo.url_300x200
Note: The 'sizes' attribute is not required. If you don't provide it, ImageWithThumbsField will act as a normal ImageField
How it works:
For each size in the 'sizes' atribute of the field it generates a thumbnail with that size and stores it following this format:
Where 'available_filename' is the available filename returned by the storage backend for saving the original file.
Following the usage example above: For storing a file called "photo.jpg" it saves: photo.jpg (original file) photo.125x125.jpg (first thumbnail) photo.300x200.jpg (second thumbnail)
With the default storage backend if photo.jpg already exists it will use these filenames: photo_.jpg photo_.125x125.jpg photo_.300x200.jpg
Note: It assumes that if filename "any_filename.jpg" is available filenames with this format "any_filename.[widht]x[height].jpg" will be available, too.
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django-thumbs by Antonio Melé
from django.db.models import ImageField
from django.db.models.fields.files import ImageFieldFile
from PIL import Image
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
import cStringIO
def generate_thumb(img, thumb_size, format):
Generates a thumbnail image and returns a ContentFile object with the thumbnail
img File object
thumb_size desired thumbnail size, ie: (200,120)
format format of the original image ('jpeg','gif','png',...)
(this format will be used for the generated thumbnail, too)
img.seek(0) # see http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8222 for details
image = Image.open(img)
# Convert to RGB if necessary
if image.mode not in ('L', 'RGB'):
image = image.convert('RGB')
# get size
thumb_w, thumb_h = thumb_size
# If you want to generate a square thumbnail
if thumb_w == thumb_h:
# quad
xsize, ysize = image.size
# get minimum size
minsize = min(xsize,ysize)
# largest square possible in the image
xnewsize = (xsize-minsize)/2
ynewsize = (ysize-minsize)/2
# crop it
image2 = image.crop((xnewsize, ynewsize, xsize-xnewsize, ysize-ynewsize))
# load is necessary after crop
# thumbnail of the cropped image (with ANTIALIAS to make it look better)
image2.thumbnail(thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
# not quad
image2 = image
image2.thumbnail(thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
io = cStringIO.StringIO()
# PNG and GIF are the same, JPG is JPEG
if format.upper()=='JPG':
format = 'JPEG'
image2.save(io, format)
return ContentFile(io.getvalue())
class ImageWithThumbsFieldFile(ImageFieldFile):
See ImageWithThumbsField for usage example
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ImageWithThumbsFieldFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.sizes = self.field.sizes
if self.sizes:
def get_size(self, size):
if not self:
return ''
split = self.url.rsplit('.',1)
thumb_url = '%s.%sx%s.%s' % (split[0],w,h,split[1])
return thumb_url
for size in self.sizes:
(w,h) = size
setattr(self, 'url_%sx%s' % (w,h), get_size(self, size))
def save(self, name, content, save=True):
super(ImageWithThumbsFieldFile, self).save(name, content, save)
if self.sizes:
for size in self.sizes:
(w,h) = size
split = self._name.rsplit('.',1)
thumb_name = '%s.%sx%s.%s' % (split[0],w,h,split[1])
# you can use another thumbnailing function if you like
thumb_content = generate_thumb(content, size, split[1])
thumb_name_ = self.storage.save(thumb_name, thumb_content)
if not thumb_name == thumb_name_:
raise ValueError('There is already a file named %s' % thumb_name)
def delete(self, save=True):
super(ImageWithThumbsFieldFile, self).delete(save)
if self.sizes:
for size in self.sizes:
(w,h) = size
split = name.rsplit('.',1)
thumb_name = '%s.%sx%s.%s' % (split[0],w,h,split[1])
class ImageWithThumbsField(ImageField):
attr_class = ImageWithThumbsFieldFile
Usage example:
photo = ImageWithThumbsField(upload_to='images', sizes=((125,125),(300,200),)
To retrieve image URL, exactly the same way as with ImageField:
To retrieve thumbnails URL's just add the size to it:
Note: The 'sizes' attribute is not required. If you don't provide it,
ImageWithThumbsField will act as a normal ImageField
How it works:
For each size in the 'sizes' atribute of the field it generates a
thumbnail with that size and stores it following this format:
Where 'available_filename' is the available filename returned by the storage
backend for saving the original file.
Following the usage example above: For storing a file called "photo.jpg" it saves:
photo.jpg (original file)
photo.125x125.jpg (first thumbnail)
photo.300x200.jpg (second thumbnail)
With the default storage backend if photo.jpg already exists it will use these filenames:
Note: django-thumbs assumes that if filename "any_filename.jpg" is available
filenames with this format "any_filename.[widht]x[height].jpg" will be available, too.
To do:
Add method to regenerate thubmnails
def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, width_field=None, height_field=None, sizes=None, **kwargs):
self.sizes = sizes
super(ImageField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
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Interesting! However, based on my experience you need to check the file extension or it might break the site if somebody uploads a .png without a .png extension (like "MYPHOTO12" instead of "MYPHOTO12.png"). Also you don't seem to handle the case of the original being smaller than the thumbnail (I believe this isn't handled correctly by PIL)
Another thing is that it's going be difficult to use this if there isn't a simple migration path whenever you need a new size. Something like starting up the shell and have it generate the missing images (it's probably pretty easy, just test for existence).
Thank you olau,
I will try to solve that issues in the next version :)
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