When using mysql the sql that is generated by syncdb doesn't create the foreign key relationship in all cases.
This code will run through a file called create_table.sql in which you store all your create sql statements ( use "python manage.py sqlall app1 app2 > create_table.sql" ) and outputs all the neccesary alter table scripts that add the foreign key. Its not 100% proof since the generated names can end up being more than 40 characters. Need to work on that.
I have written about it a little more in detail.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | #!/usr/bin/env python
from string import split
f = file("create_table.sql", "r")
all_lines = f.readlines()
current_table_name = ""
for each_line in all_lines:
if each_line.find( "CREATE TABLE") > -1:
elements = split(each_line)
current_table_name = elements[2]
if each_line.find( "REFERENCES") > -1 and each_line.find("ALTER TABLE") == -1 :
# Now we need to create the alter table commands
# The line is in the form of < `user_id` integer NOT NULL REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`), >
# It needs to get converted to
# ALTER TABLE `crm_sector` ADD CONSTRAINT industry_id_refs_id_3656de07
# FOREIGN KEY (`industry_id`) REFERENCES `crm_industry` (`id`);
elements = split(each_line)
references_index = elements.index("REFERENCES");
refering_key = elements[0]
refered_table = elements[references_index + 1]
refered_key = elements[references_index + 2]
if refered_key.find(",") > -1:
refered_key = refered_key.replace(",", "")
constraint_name = "fk_" + current_table_name.strip("`") + "_" + refering_key.strip("`")
alter_stmt = "ALTER TABLE " + current_table_name + \
" ADD CONSTRAINT " + constraint_name + \
" FOREIGN KEY (" + refering_key + ") REFERENCES " +\
refered_table + " " + refered_key;
print alter_stmt;
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