A middleware that parses the HTTP_ACCEPT header of a request.
The request gets a new method called "accepts" that takes a string and returns True if it was in the list of accepted mime-types.
It makes it possible to write views like:
def exampleview(request):
if request.accepts('application/json'):
# return a json representation
if request.accepts('text/html'):
# return html
Please note that with this middleware the view defines the priority of the mime-types, not the order in which they where provided in the HTTP-Header.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | import new
def accepts( self, mime ):
return mime in self.accepted_types
class AcceptMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
acc = [a.split(';')[0] for a in request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'].split(',')]
setattr(request, 'accepted_types', acc )
request.accepts = new.instancemethod(accepts, request, request.__class__)
return None
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I'd say the new.instancemethod trickery is indeed uncalled for:
Not to mention the list comprehension. :-)
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