- Author:
- EliAndrewC
- Posted:
- February 19, 2008
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- .96
- Score:
- 2 (after 2 ratings)
I love the Django templates and ORM, but I prefer to use CherryPy as my web server. So I want to be able to do the equivalent of "python manage.py sql" but without actually needing to have a Django application. So I stick all of my models in a file named "models.py" and then run this script and it prints out all of the CREATE TABLE statements for my database.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | """
usage: python creates.py [MODEL_1] [MODEL_2] ... [MODEL_N]
Prints CREATE TABLE statements for all models in the models.py file found in the same directory as this script. If extra command line arguments are provided, it only prints the CREATE TABLE statements for those models.
import models
from sys import argv
from django.core.management.sql import sql_model_create
from django.db.models import Model
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
classes = [thing for thing in models.__dict__.values() if type(thing) is ModelBase]
class Style:
def __getattr__(self, name):
return lambda text: text
if len(argv)>1:
classes = [c for c in classes if c.__name__ in argv[1:]]
for model in classes:
print("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _"+model.__name__.lower()+";")
print( sql_model_create(model, Style(), classes)[0][0] )
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