- Author:
- santuri
- Posted:
- February 26, 2007
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- Pre .96
- Score:
- 2 (after 4 ratings)
This code is derived from the slugify JS function used in django's admin interface. It will create django-compatible slugs for you. Sometimes I do batch imports and need my items to have slugs, I give this script the item's title and get a slug back. Simple
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# Create slugs, derived from django's JS implementation
# name = "This IS A boOk's TiTle"
# slug = slugify(name)
# >>> print slug
# 'this-is-a-books-title'
import re
def slugify(inStr):
removelist = ["a", "an", "as", "at", "before", "but", "by", "for","from","is", "in", "into", "like", "of", "off", "on", "onto","per","since", "than", "the", "this", "that", "to", "up", "via","with"];
for a in removelist:
aslug = re.sub(r'\b'+a+r'\b','',inStr)
aslug = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', aslug).strip().lower()
aslug = re.sub('\s+', '-', aslug)
return aslug
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Hmm...that's cool, but when I need to do that, I usually just use the built-in slugify function from django.template.defaultfilters. Is this one better, somehow?
I think that the added value here is that it's a python function that can be applied anywhere in your code.
An example that I'm thinking of is that you could slugify some text and save it in the database as a field instead of slugifying it on display. It could save some CPU cycles that way.
Django's default slugify doesn't remove the words such as "a", "an" etc. but this does. Nice useful stuff - well done.
@jcroft<br /> Doh!
@everyone else<br /> yep, this one's better
Ha!<br /> funny how that worked out =)
So can django.template.defaultfilters.slugify. It's just a Python function, that can be applied anywhere, just like this one. I don't see the difference in that regard. I use it all over my Python scripts.
Nothing about Django's built-in function is display-only. Template filters don't have to be used only in templates.
Ahh, that is indeed a benefit. Cool.
Doh++<br /> Yes, as ericflo said, the added value is that the function can be used anywhere.
In one project I have a script that parses a huge tab delimited file of books and uses django's orm to populate the database based on the file. <br /> Each line in the file has a book title that needs to have the url:
so I run:
to produce a slug for each book title that I save in the database.
Like I said, the built-in filter can be used anywhere, too. Just import it and use it. I don't understand the difference, I guess.
I use the built-in slugify filter, for example, to create slugs for events I pull from upcoming.org's API.
test the function carefully, and look at the example in the code. the way it's written it WILL NOT actually strip out 'is', 'an', ....
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