- Author:
- andreterra
- Posted:
- May 15, 2012
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- 1.4
- Score:
- 2 (after 2 ratings)
I found a question on SO for which Justin Lilly's answer was correct but not as thorough as I'd like, so I ended up working on a simple snippet that shows how to bind signals at runtime, which is nifty when you want to bind signals to an abstract class.
Bonus: simple cache invalidation!
How do I use Django signals with an abstract model?
I have an abstract model that keeps an on-disk cache. When I delete the model, I need it to delete the cache. I want this to happen for every derived model as well.
If I connect the signal specifying the abstract model, this does not propagate to the derived models:
pre_delete.connect(clear_cache, sender=MyAbstractModel, weak=False)
If I try to connect the signal in an init, where I can get the derived class name, it works, but I'm afraid it will attempt to clear the cache as many times as I've initialized a derived model, not just once.
Where should I connect the signal?
I've created a custom manager that binds a post_save signal to every child of a class, be it abstract or not.
This is a one-off, poorly tested code, so beware! It works so far, though.
In this example, we allow an abstract model to define CachedModelManager as a manager, which then extends basic caching functionality to the model and its children. It allows you to define a list of volatile keys that should be deleted upon every save (hence the post_save signal) and adds a couple of helper functions to generate cache keys, as well as retrieving, setting and deleting keys.
This of course assumes you have a cache backend setup and working properly.
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Django==1.4.1, Python 2.6
I've tried implementing this snippet as is. The first issue I'm having is that I get the following AttributeError:
I think this is happening because you are adding a manager to a model, but not setting the default manager. Can you confirm this is the behavior you see?
Could you please make more generic example of connecting signals to abstract model leaving things as simple as possible?
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