Sometimes you need to store information that the server needs in unencrypted form (e.g. OAuth keys and secrets), but you don't really want to leave it lying around in the open on your server. This snippet lets you split that information into two parts:
a securing passphrase, stored in the Django settings file (or at least made available via that namespace)
the actual secret information, stored in the ORM database
Obviously, this isn't as secure as using a full blown key management system, but it's still a significant step up from storing the OAuth keys directly in the settings file or the database.
Note also that these fields will be displayed unencrypted in the admin view unless you add something like the following to
from django.contrib import admin
from django import forms
from myapp.fields import EncryptedCharField
class MyAppAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
formfield_overrides = {
EncryptedCharField: {'widget': forms.PasswordInput(render_value=False)},
}, PulpServerAdmin)
If Django ever acquires a proper binary data type in the default ORM then the base64 encoding part could be skipped.
This snippet is designed to be compatible with the use of the South database migration tool without exposing the passphrase used to encrypt the fields in the migration scripts. (A migration tool like South also allows you to handle the process of changing the passphrase, by writing a data migration script that decrypts the data with the old passphrase then writes it back using the new one).
Any tips on getting rid of the current ugly prefix hack that handles the difference between deserialising unencrypted strings and decrypting the values stored in the database would be appreciated!
Sources of inspiration:
EncryptedField snippet (helped me improve several Django-specific details)
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from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from M2Crypto import Rand, EVP
from django.db import models
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
def _base64_len(length):
"""Converts a length in 8 bit bytes to a length in 6 bits per byte base64 encoding"""
# Every 24 bits (3 bytes) becomes 32 bits (4 bytes, 6 bits encoded per byte)
# End is padded with '=' to make the result a multiple of 4
units, trailing = divmod(length, 3)
if trailing:
units += 1
return 4 * units
class EncryptedData(unicode):
"""Used to identify data that has already been encrypted"""
class _FieldCipher(object):
"""Actual cipher engine used to protect the model field"""
# Could make all these configurable per field, but why?
_CIPHER_ALG = 'aes_256_cbc'
_IV_LEN = 32
_KEY_LEN = 32
def __init__(self, passphrase):
self._passphrase = passphrase # Yuck, but needed for transparent access
def stored_len(self, max_length):
"""Calculates actual storage needed for a nominal max_length"""
return _base64_len(self._SALT_LEN + self._IV_LEN + max_length)
def _make_key(self, salt):
"""Creates a key of the specified length via PBKDF2 (RFC 2898)"""
return EVP.pbkdf2(self._passphrase, salt, 1000, self._KEY_LEN)
def _make_encryptor(self, key, iv):
return EVP.Cipher(alg=self._CIPHER_ALG, key=key, iv=iv, op=1)
def encrypt(self, plaintext):
"""Encrypts plaintext, returns (salt, iv, ciphertext) tuple"""
salt = Rand.rand_bytes(self._SALT_LEN)
key = self._make_key(salt)
iv = Rand.rand_bytes(self._IV_LEN)
encryptor = self._make_encryptor(key, iv)
ciphertext = encryptor.update(plaintext)
ciphertext +=
return salt, iv, ciphertext
def _make_decryptor(self, key, iv):
return EVP.Cipher(alg=self._CIPHER_ALG, key=key, iv=iv, op=0)
def decrypt(self, salt, iv, ciphertext):
"""Decrypts ciphertext with given key salt and initvector, returns plaintext"""
key = self._make_key(salt)
decryptor = self._make_decryptor(key, iv)
plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext)
plaintext +=
return plaintext
class EncryptedCharField(models.CharField):
"""CharField variant that provides transparent encryption
Accessing encrypted fields requires an attacker compromise not only the
database, but also either the runtime memory of the web server or the
settings file (or other mechanism) used to configure the passphrase.
To support database migrations, the passphrase must be accessible via
the django.conf.settings namespaces
WARNING: Do NOT store the passphrase in the same database as the
encrypted fields as that would defeat the entire point of the
_DB_FIELD_PREFIX = "django-encrypted-field:"
def __init__(self, passphrase_setting, max_length, *args, **kwds):
passphrase = getattr(settings, passphrase_setting)
cipher = _FieldCipher(passphrase)
kwds['max_length'] = (self._DB_FIELD_PREFIX_LEN +
super(EncryptedCharField, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.max_length = max_length
self._cipher = cipher
# DB migration support
self._passphrase_setting = passphrase_setting
self._south_args = [max_length] + list(args)
self._south_kwds = kwds
def get_prep_value(self, value):
"""Transparently encrypt and base64 encode data"""
if isinstance(value, EncryptedData):
return value
salt, iv, ciphertext = self._cipher.encrypt(value.encode('ascii'))
encrypted = salt + iv + ciphertext
encoded = b64encode(encrypted).decode('ascii')
with_prefix = self._DB_FIELD_PREFIX + encoded
stored_data = super(EncryptedCharField, self).get_prep_value(with_prefix)
return EncryptedData(stored_data)
def to_python(self, value):
"""Transparently base64 decode and decrypt data"""
# Deserialisation (e.g. from admin form) provides a string
# Database lookup provides... a string
# So we use an embedded prefix to tell the difference
# Maybe if my Form-fu was better, I could work out how to get
# the deserialisation to pass in a different type and get
# rid of the prefix on the DB side :P
field_data = super(EncryptedCharField, self).to_python(value)
has_prefix = field_data.startswith(self._DB_FIELD_PREFIX)
if has_prefix:
encoded = field_data[self._DB_FIELD_PREFIX_LEN:]
elif isinstance(value, EncryptedData):
encoded = field_data
return field_data
encrypted = b64decode(encoded)
salt = encrypted[self._SALT_START:self._IV_START]
iv = encrypted[self._IV_START:self._CIPHERTEXT_START]
ciphertext = encrypted[self._CIPHERTEXT_START:]
return self._cipher.decrypt(salt, iv, ciphertext).decode('ascii')
def formfield(self, **kwds):
defaults = {'widget': forms.PasswordInput(render_value=False),
'max_length' : self.max_length
return super(EncryptedCharField, self).formfield(**defaults)
def south_field_triple(self):
"""Allow the 'south' DB migration tool to handle these fields"""
qualified_name = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__
args = [repr(self._passphrase_setting)]
args += map(repr, self._south_args)
kwds = {k:repr(v) for k, v in self._south_kwds.iteritems()}
return qualified_name, args, kwds
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