A simple django-admin filter to replace standar RelatedFilterSpec with one with the "All"/"Null"/"Not null" options. It applies to all relational fields (ForeignKey, ManyToManyField).
You can put the code in the __init__.py
or wherever you want.
The _register_front
idea is copied on this snippet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | from django.contrib.admin.filterspecs import FilterSpec
from django.db import models
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
# FilterSpec.register places the new FilterSpec at the back
# of the list. This can be a problem, because the first
# matching FilterSpec is the one used.
def _register_front(cls, test, factory):
cls.filter_specs.insert(0, (test, factory))
FilterSpec.register_front = classmethod(_register_front)
class RelatedNullFilterSpec(FilterSpec):
def __init__(self, f, request, params, model, model_admin):
super(RelatedNullFilterSpec, self).__init__(f, request, params, model, model_admin)
if isinstance(f, models.ManyToManyField):
self.lookup_title = f.rel.to._meta.verbose_name
self.lookup_title = f.verbose_name
self.null_lookup_kwarg = '%s__isnull' % f.name
self.null_lookup_val = request.GET.get(self.null_lookup_kwarg, None)
rel_name = f.rel.get_related_field().name
self.lookup_kwarg = '%s__%s__exact' % (f.name, rel_name)
self.lookup_val = request.GET.get(self.lookup_kwarg, None)
self.lookup_choices = f.get_choices(include_blank=False)
def title(self):
return self.lookup_title
def choices(self, cl):
yield {'selected': self.lookup_val is None and self.null_lookup_val is None,
'query_string': cl.get_query_string({}, [self.lookup_kwarg,self.null_lookup_kwarg]),
'display': _('All')}
yield {'selected': self.lookup_val is None and self.null_lookup_val=="True",
'query_string': cl.get_query_string({self.null_lookup_kwarg:True},[self.lookup_kwarg]),
'display': _('Null')}
yield {'selected': self.lookup_val is None and self.null_lookup_val=="False",
'query_string': cl.get_query_string({self.null_lookup_kwarg:False},[self.lookup_kwarg]),
'display': _('Not Null')}
for pk_val, val in self.lookup_choices:
yield {'selected': self.lookup_val == smart_unicode(pk_val),
'query_string': cl.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg: pk_val},[self.null_lookup_kwarg]),
'display': val}
FilterSpec.register_front(lambda f: bool(f.rel), RelatedNullFilterSpec)
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how to use this ??
How do you use this? It's pretty useless without some explanation.
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