This snippet makes Django templates support break
and continue
in loops. It is actually more powerful than the respective Python statements as it allows breaking and continuing from an outer loop, not just the innermost.
and continue
are implemented as template filters, with the input value being the loop variable. For example, to break from the current for
loop use forloop|break
, and to continue from the next outer loop use forloop.parentloop|continue
The implementation monkeypatches Django (specifically Nodelist and ForNode) and has been tested on v1.2 with Python 2.6.
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register = template.Library()
def break_(loop):
'''Breaks from a loop.
The 'break' filter is used within a loop and takes as input a loop variable,
e.g. 'forloop' in case of a for loop. For example, to display the items
from list ``items`` up to the first item that is equal to ``end``::
{% for item in items %}
{% if item == 'end' %}
{{ forloop|break }}
{% endif %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Breaking from nested loops is also supported by passing the appropriate loop
variable, e.g. ``forloop.parentloop|break``.
raise StopLoopException(loop, False)
def continue_(loop):
'''Continues a loop by jumping to its beginning.
The 'continue' filter is used within a loop and takes as input a loop
variable, e.g. 'forloop' in case of a for loop. It can also be used (and is
mostly useful) for nested loops by passing the appropriate loop variable,
e.g. ``forloop.parentloop|continue``. For example::
{% for key,values in mapping.iteritems %}<br/>
{% for value in values %}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}<br/>
{% if value|divisibleby:3 %}
{{ value }} is divisible by 3<br/>
{{ forloop.parentloop|continue }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ key }}: No value divisible by 3<br/>
{% endfor %}
raise StopLoopException(loop, True)
# monkeypatch NodeList to handle break/continue
def render(self, context):
return template.mark_safe(''.join(map(template.force_unicode,
template.NodeList.render = render
# monkeypatch ForNode to handle break/continue
def render(self, context):
values = self.sequence.resolve(context, True)
except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
values = []
if values is None:
values = []
if not hasattr(values, '__len__'):
values = list(values)
len_values = len(values)
if len_values < 1:
return self.nodelist_empty.render(context)
if self.is_reversed:
values = reversed(values)
unpack = len(self.loopvars) > 1
# push a forloop value onto the context
loop = BoundedLoop('forloop', context, self.nodelist_loop, len_values)
for value in values:
if unpack:
# if there are multiple loop variables, unpack the value into them
context.update(dict(zip(self.loopvars, value)))
context[self.loopvars[0]] = value
status =
if unpack and status is loop.PASS:
# The loop variables were pushed on to the context so pop them
# off again. This is necessary because the tag lets the length
# of loopvars differ to the length of each set of items and we
# don't want to leave any vars from the previous loop on the
# context. If status is not PASS, all the additional dicts,
# including the one with the loop variables, have already been
# popped off in so we don't have to pop it here
if status is loop.BREAK:
return loop.render(close=True)
template.defaulttags.ForNode.render = render
class StopLoopException(Exception):
def __init__(self, loop, continue_, nodelist=None):
if not isinstance(loop, Loop):
raise TypeError('Loop instance expected, %s given' % loop.__class__.__name__)
super(StopLoopException, self).__init__(loop, continue_, nodelist)
self.loop, self.continue_, self.nodelist = self.args
class Loop(dict):
'''Base class of loop variables passed in the context (e.g. 'forloop').
A loop instance holds and keeps up to date the attributes exposed in the
context. This class exposes ``counter``, ``counter0``, ``first`` and
``parentloop``; its :class:`BoundedLoop` subclass adds ``revcounter``,
``revcounter0`` and ``last``.
Additionally, a loop instance renders the items of the nodelist that comprise
the loop and accumulates the rendered strings on every call to :meth:`next`.
:meth:`next` also handles continuing or breaking from the loop and informs
the caller accordingly.
PASS = object()
BREAK = object()
CONTINUE = object()
def __init__(self, name, context, nodelist):
self._name = name
self._context = context
self._nodelist = nodelist
self._rendered_nodelist = template.NodeList()
self['parentloop'] = context.get(name)
context[name] = self
def render(self, close=False):
'''Renders the accumulated nodelist for this loop.
As a convenience, if ``close`` is true, the loop is also :meth:`close`d.
if close:
return self._rendered_nodelist.render(self._context)
render.alters_data = True
def next(self):
'''Updates this loop for one iteration step.
:returns: The status of the loop after this step: :attr:`CONTINUE` if a
``continue`` targeting this loop was encountered, :attr:`BREAK` for
a break, or :attr:`PASS` otherwise.
:raises StopLoopException: If a ``break`` or ``continue`` for a loop
other than this one (presumably an ancestor) was encountered.
if self._nodelist is None:
raise RuntimeError('This loop is inactive')
try: # update the exposed attributes
counter = self['counter']
self.update(counter0=counter, counter=counter+1, first=False)
except KeyError:
# initialize the exposed attributes the first time this is called
self.update(counter0=0, counter=1, first=True)
_render_nodelist_items(self._nodelist, self._context, self._rendered_nodelist)
status = self.PASS
except StopLoopException, ex:
# if this is not the target loop, keep bubbling up the exception
if ex.loop is not self:
# pop context until (but excluding) the dict that contains this loop
status = ex.continue_ and self.CONTINUE or self.BREAK
return status
next.alters_data = True
def close(self):
'''Mark this loop as closed.
After a loop is closed, subsequent calls to :meth:`next` are not allowed.
This should be called when the loop is "done" to remove any loop-specific
context entries.
if self._nodelist:
self._nodelist = None
close.alters_data = True
def _pop_context_until_self(self, inclusive):
name = self._name
dicts = self._context.dicts
while len(dicts) > 1:
if dicts[-1].get(name) is self:
if inclusive:
del dicts[-1]
del dicts[-1]
class BoundedLoop(Loop):
'''A :class:`Loop` of known length.
``BoundedLoop`` instances expose ``revcounter``, ``revcounter0`` and ``last``,
in addition to the attributes exposed by ``Loop`` itself.
def __init__(self, name, context, nodelist, length):
if length < 1:
raise ValueError('Length must be at least 1')
self._length = length
super(BoundedLoop, self).__init__(name, context, nodelist)
def next(self):
try: # update the exposed attributes
revcounter0 = self['revcounter0']
if revcounter0 <= 0:
raise RuntimeError('Attempted to call `next()` more than %d times' % self._length)
self.update(revcounter0=revcounter0-1, revcounter=revcounter0, last=revcounter0==1)
except KeyError:
# initialize the exposed attributes the first time this is called
length = self._length
self.update(revcounter0=length-1, revcounter=length, last=length==1)
return super(BoundedLoop, self).next()
next.alters_data = True
def _render_nodelist_items(nodelist, context, result=None):
if result is None:
result = []
for node in nodelist:
if not isinstance(node, template.Node):
result.append(nodelist.render_node(node, context))
except Exception, ex:
# get the wrapped exception if settings.DEBUG is True
if hasattr(ex, 'exc_info'):
ex = ex.exc_info[1]
# let every exception other than StopLoopException propagate
if not isinstance(ex, StopLoopException):
# reraise the StopLoopException with the updated nodelist
if ex.nodelist:
ex.nodelist = result
raise ex
return result
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Thanks for posting this! Very useful.
To get it working with Django 1.3, I had to change your render method to:
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