This is a Model base class used to support internationalization (i18n) for your models.
This code extends the Django's Model class so you can use all available options from Model safely. Basicly, it uses introspection to create a sub-model to your model to hold translation.
- Simplicity of use. You simply extend your model with this class and add all the fields that needs to be translated are placed under the
sub-class; - The code uses the
to select the current language; - You can use
python ./ syncdb
command safely; - Force the user to enter a translation for each language even if the fields can be blank. This makes sure that all objects are returned safely.
Ordering by locale fields:
To sort on translated fields, use the form of "model_i18n__transfieldname" (see code for example).
Do not use localized fields in unicode, the admin will throw an exception when you'll add a new item and do "save and continue".
Just drop a comment if you need more information.
(last update: 06/15/2010)
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from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.forms import ModelForm
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class TranslationModelForm(ModelForm):
Form used by the StackedInline object created at run-time.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TranslationModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# This little flag makes sure that
# the user has to fill the form.
self.empty_permitted = False
class LocaleManager(models.Manager):
Manager used to
use_for_related_fields = True
def __init__(self, name=None, table=None, fieldnames=None):
super(LocaleManager, self).__init__() = name
self.table = table
self.fieldnames = fieldnames
def _locale(self):
query = super(LocaleManager, self).get_query_set()
if self.table and self.fieldnames:
lang = translation.get_language()
tablei18n = "%s_i18n" % self.table
# Extra fields to select.
extrafield = {}
for name in self.fieldnames:
fieldname = "%s__%s" % (, name)
extrafield[name] = '%s.%s' % (tablei18n, name)
kwargs = {"%s_i18n__lang" % (, ):lang}
query = query.filter(**kwargs).extra(select=extrafield,
return query
def get_query_set(self):
return self._locale()
class Modeli18nMeta(models.Model.__metaclass__):
Metaclass used to create a sub-Model attribute
to the current class that will hold the
translated fields.
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
# Create a new Model class reference
# to hold the parent Model translation.
# Add this Model class as an attribute
# of the parent class.
if name != "Modeli18n":
if "locale" in attrs:
# Language utilities.
lenlang = len(settings.LANGUAGES)
languages = []
for lan, value in settings.LANGUAGES:
languages.append([lan, _(value)])
# Create a new Model subclass #
# by copying the attributes #
# from the locale subclass. #
# Get the module name.
module = attrs['__module__']
# Set the sub-Model attributes.
attributes = {'__module__': module}
# Get locale class definition object.
locale = attrs["locale"]
# Get all defined attributes.
members = inspect.getmembers(locale)
# Get attributes and record their names.
locale_attrs = []
for obj_name, obj in members:
if "Field" in str(obj):
obj.null = True
obj.blank = True
attributes[obj_name] = obj
# Set the table name.
table = None
if "Meta" in attrs:
table = getattr(attrs['Meta'], 'db_table', None)
if not table:
table = "%s_%s" % (module.split('.')[-2], name.lower())
# Set the sub-Model Meta class.
newtable = "%s_i18n" % table
newname = "%s_i18n" % name
values = {'db_table': newtable}
values['unique_together'] = ("parent", "lang")
values['verbose_name'] = _("translation")
values['verbose_name_plural'] = _("translations")
meta = type('Meta', (object,), values)
attributes['Meta'] = meta
# Parent's foreign key.
attributes["parent"] = models.ForeignKey("%s" % (name), null=True, blank=False)
# Language field.
attributes['lang'] = models.CharField(name="lang", verbose_name=_('language'),
help_text=_("The language is required even if the fields are empty."),
# Friendly verbose.
attributes['__unicode__'] = lambda x : x.lang
# Create the sub-Model...
attrs["locale"] = type(newname, (models.Model,), attributes)
# and add it to its parent Model as "locale" attribute.
attrs["objects"] = LocaleManager(name, table, locale_attrs)
# Add a StackedInline(admin.StackedInline) class
# for validating and displaying as convenience.
del attributes
attributes = {'max_num': lenlang,
'extra': lenlang,
'model': attrs["locale"],
'form': TranslationModelForm,
'can_delete': False,}
inlines = type('StackedInline', (admin.StackedInline, ), attributes)
attrs["StackedInline"] = inlines
return super(Modeli18nMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
class Modeli18n(models.Model):
Abstract class used as base class for all models
that needs to be translated.
i.e.: Product(Modeli18n)
__metaclass__ = Modeli18nMeta
class Meta:
abstract = True
def get_locale(self, lang=None):
# Return the locale object
# for the given language.
obj = None
if lang:
obj = self.locale.objects.get(lang__exact=lang,[0]
except self.locale.DoesNotExist:
# As a fallback we use the default language.
obj = self.locale.objects.get(lang__exact=settings.LANGUAGE_CODE,[0]
except self.locale.DoesNotExist:
return obj
# #
# #
# #
# ...
LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' # Default language used.
('fr', gettext('French')),
('en', gettext('English')),
('es', gettext('Spanish')),
# #
# Model Usage example #
# #
# i.e.: #
# #
import Modeli18n, LocaleManager
class Activity(Modeli18n):
# A tag nothing special.
tag = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=False, null=False, db_index=True)
# Important! Use this manager to sort correctly by language.
objects = LocaleManager('Activity')
class locale:
# Define all locale fields here!
# name to be translated
name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('name'), max_length=100)
class Meta:
# Ordering the class by it's translated name.
# Here, activity_i18n is the sub-Model
# generated by the code.
ordering = ('activity_i18n__name',)
def get_name(self):
except AttributeError:
return None
def __unicode__(self):
str = self.get_name()
if not str:
str = self.tag
return "%s" % (str)
# #
# Admin Usage example #
# #
# i.e.: #
# #
from django.contrib import admin
from models import Activity
# Activity.StackedInline is available to the
# model as a courtesy and simplicity.
class ActivityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [Activity.StackedInline,]
list_display = ('get_name',), ActivityAdmin)
# #
# Simple usage #
# #
from models import Activity
import operator
activity = Activity.objects.all()[0]
# Get a specific locale.
french = activity.get_locale('fr')
if french:
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Just added the "ordering" support for Model and ModelAdmin classes.
Removed the limitation (bug) where if no translation didn't exist for a given language, the object Model won't be returned;
Optimized data fetch process from the DB: Added a models.Management to optimize the fetching process. No more useless SELECT triggered for each object.
Added some methods "get_name" on the "Activity" example model. Check the limitation notes.
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