adminwidgetswap is used for dynamically swapping out widgets from django's generated admin.
This allows applications to be packaged generically without the need for WYSIWYG dependencies editors- giving the application consumer the freedom to chose admin widgets without modifying original app source.
David Davis ( dynamically change django admin widets at runtime (django-adminwidgetswap) blog post
To change a widget in django's admin, just put on the python path, import and use:
adminwidgetswap.swap_model_field(model, field, widget) change a widget for a direct model admin's field
adminwidgetswap.swap_model_inline_field(model, field, widget) change widgets for inlines of a specific model and field
adminwidgetswap.swap_model_and_inline_fields(model, field, widget) change both the widget for the direct model admin's field as well as all inline usages for the model and field
I usually have a project-level application called website, and I put this initialization code inside the website app's
Usage - parameters
model is the Model class (eg. models.GalleryImage)
field is the field name you're looking to swap (eg. 'image')
widget is the widget you're going to swap for (eg. widgetlibrary.ThumbnailWidget())
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | from django.contrib import admin
# autodiscover the admin, very important
def __get_model_formfield_for_dbfield(model, field, widget):
Gets the new formfield_for_dbfield_function for a model
old_formfield_for_dbfield =[model].formfield_for_dbfield
def formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs):
if == field:
kwargs['widget'] = widget
return old_formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs)
return formfield_for_dbfield
def __get_inline_formfield_for_dbfield(inline, field, widget):
Gets the new formfield_for_dbfield function for an inline
old_formfield_for_dbfield = inline.formfield_for_dbfield
def formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs):
if == field:
kwargs['widget'] = widget
return old_formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs)
return formfield_for_dbfield
def swap_model_field(model, field, widget):
Swaps an admin model field widget (not the inlines where the model is used)
if[model].formfield_for_dbfield = __get_model_formfield_for_dbfield(model, field, widget)
def swap_model_inline_field(model, field, widget):
Swaps admin model inline field widget (not the direct model admin)
for registered_model in
for inline in[registered_model].inline_instances:
if inline.model == model:
inline.formfield_for_dbfield = __get_inline_formfield_for_dbfield(inline, field, widget)
def swap_model_and_inline_fields(model, field, widget):
Swaps an admin model field widget as well as all inlines
swap_model_field(model, field, widget)
swap_model_inline_field(model, field, widget)
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