This method creates urlpatterns based on view functions that have 'request' as their first parameter. See docstring for details.
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from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns,url
from types import FunctionType
from django.core.urlresolvers import RegexURLPattern
def urlmapper(view_path,*args,**kwargs):
This method creates urlpatterns based on view functions that have 'request' as their first parameter.
urlpatterns = urlmapper(''[, custom_url_patterns][, url_prefix][, url_name_prefix][, slug_names][, int_names])
3 types of url scheme can be created automaticaly:
http://.../list_articles/ >>> def list_articles(request):
http://.../show_article/3565/ >>> def show_article(request, id):
http://.../show_articel/title_of_article/ >>> def show_article(request, slug):
** Variable names should be listed in the related lists: (default values can be seen bellow)
urlpatterns = urlmapper('',slug_names=['my_slug_name']) >>> def show_article(request, my_slug_name)
** Custom url patterns can be appended just like normal patterns method:
urlpatterns += urlmapper('',
url(r'^custom_url/(?P<custom_var_name>\d+)/$', view, name='custom_url_name'),
(r'^another_url/$', 'another_view'),
note: These custom mapped views will be excluded from automapping.
** Urls can be prefixed with 'url_prefix' keyword parameter:
urlpatterns = urlmapper('support.views',url_prefix='members/')
** Url pattern names can be prefixed with 'url_name_prefix' keyword parameter:
urlpatterns = urlmapper('support.views',url_name_prefix='sup_')
** Keyword arguments should follow any possible custom urlpatterns:
urlpatterns = urlmapper('',
(r'^another_url/$', 'another_view'),url(r'^surl/$', vi,name='viii'),
custom_urls=[type(u)==RegexURLPattern and u.callback or u[1] for u in args]
exec 'import %s as mdl' % view_path
for name, obj in mdl.__dict__.iteritems():
if hasattr(obj, 'view_func'):
elif hasattr(obj, '__closure__') and obj.__closure__:
if type(obj)!=FunctionType or name in custom_urls: continue
if fc.co_varnames[0]=='request':
if fc.co_argcount==1:
elif fc.co_argcount==2:
if fc.co_varnames[1] in int_names:
ul.append(url(r'^%s%s/(?P<%s>\d+)/$'%(url_prefix,name,fc.co_varnames[1]), name,name=url_name) )
elif fc.co_varnames[1] in slug_names:
ul.append(url(r'^%s%s/(?P<%s>[\w-]+)/?$'%(url_prefix,name,fc.co_varnames[1]), name,name=url_name) )
for p in ul+list(args): up.extend(patterns(view_path,p))
return up
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So good... nice job !
was feeling like banging my head abt urls....this one is beautiful:-)
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