- Author:
- uswaretech
- Posted:
- November 11, 2008
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- 1.0
- Score:
- 6 (after 6 ratings)
This is a snippet to use Paypal with python. This modifies Mike Atlas's geocept Paypal library. (Which was not working, for me at least) and adds recurring payments.
I would try to write an article explaining how to use this and update the snippet.
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#Usage http://uswaretech.com/blog/2008/11/using-paypal-with-django/
# PayPal python NVP API wrapper class.
# This is a sample to help others get started on working
# with the PayPal NVP API in Python.
# This is not a complete reference! Be sure to understand
# what this class is doing before you try it on production servers!
# ...use at your own peril.
## see https://www.paypal.com/IntegrationCenter/ic_nvp.html
## and
## https://www.paypal.com/en_US/ebook/PP_NVPAPI_DeveloperGuide/index.html
## for more information.
# by Mike Atlas / LowSingle.com / MassWrestling.com, September 2007
# No License Expressed. Feel free to distribute, modify,
# and use in any open or closed source project without credit to the author
# Example usage: ===============
# paypal = PayPal()
# pp_token = paypal.SetExpressCheckout(100)
# express_token = paypal.GetExpressCheckoutDetails(pp_token)
# url= paypal.PAYPAL_URL + express_token
# HttpResponseRedirect(url) ## django specific http redirect call for payment
#Modified by Shabda
import urllib, md5, datetime
from cgi import parse_qs
class PayPal:
""" #PayPal utility class"""
signature_values = {}
def __init__(self):
## Sandbox values
self.signature_values = {
'USER' : '', # Edit this to your API user name
'PWD' : '', # Edit this to your API password
'SIGNATURE' : '', # edit this to your API signature
'VERSION' : '53.0',
self.API_ENDPOINT = 'https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp' # Sandbox URL, not production
self.PAYPAL_URL = 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr&cmd=_express-checkout&token='
self.signature = urllib.urlencode(self.signature_values) + "&"
def SetExpressCheckout(self, amount, return_url, cancel_url, **kwargs):
params = {
'METHOD' : "SetExpressCheckout",
'PAYMENTACTION' : 'Authorization',
'RETURNURL' : return_url,
'CANCELURL' : cancel_url,
'AMT' : amount,
params_string = self.signature + urllib.urlencode(params)
response = urllib.urlopen(self.API_ENDPOINT, params_string).read()
response_dict = parse_qs(response)
response_token = response_dict['TOKEN'][0]
return response_token
def GetExpressCheckoutDetails(self, token, return_all = False):
params = {
'METHOD' : "GetExpressCheckoutDetails",
'RETURNURL' : 'http://www.yoursite.com/returnurl', #edit this
'CANCELURL' : 'http://www.yoursite.com/cancelurl', #edit this
'TOKEN' : token,
params_string = self.signature + urllib.urlencode(params)
response = urllib.urlopen(self.API_ENDPOINT, params_string).read()
response_dict = parse_qs(response)
if return_all:
return response_dict
response_token = response_dict['TOKEN'][0]
except KeyError:
response_token = response_dict
return response_token
def DoExpressCheckoutPayment(self, token, payer_id, amt):
params = {
'METHOD' : "DoExpressCheckoutPayment",
'RETURNURL' : 'http://www.yoursite.com/returnurl', #edit this
'CANCELURL' : 'http://www.yoursite.com/cancelurl', #edit this
'TOKEN' : token,
'AMT' : amt,
'PAYERID' : payer_id,
params_string = self.signature + urllib.urlencode(params)
response = urllib.urlopen(self.API_ENDPOINT, params_string).read()
response_tokens = {}
for token in response.split('&'):
response_tokens[token.split("=")[0]] = token.split("=")[1]
for key in response_tokens.keys():
response_tokens[key] = urllib.unquote(response_tokens[key])
return response_tokens
def GetTransactionDetails(self, tx_id):
params = {
'METHOD' : "GetTransactionDetails",
params_string = self.signature + urllib.urlencode(params)
response = urllib.urlopen(self.API_ENDPOINT, params_string).read()
response_tokens = {}
for token in response.split('&'):
response_tokens[token.split("=")[0]] = token.split("=")[1]
for key in response_tokens.keys():
response_tokens[key] = urllib.unquote(response_tokens[key])
return response_tokens
def MassPay(self, email, amt, note, email_subject):
unique_id = str(md5.new(str(datetime.datetime.now())).hexdigest())
params = {
'METHOD' : "MassPay",
'RECEIVERTYPE' : "EmailAddress",
'L_AMT0' : amt,
'L_EMAIL0' : email,
'L_UNIQUE0' : unique_id,
'L_NOTE0' : note,
'EMAILSUBJECT': email_subject,
params_string = self.signature + urllib.urlencode(params)
response = urllib.urlopen(self.API_ENDPOINT, params_string).read()
response_tokens = {}
for token in response.split('&'):
response_tokens[token.split("=")[0]] = token.split("=")[1]
for key in response_tokens.keys():
response_tokens[key] = urllib.unquote(response_tokens[key])
response_tokens['unique_id'] = unique_id
return response_tokens
def DoDirectPayment(self, amt, ipaddress, acct, expdate, cvv2, firstname, lastname, cctype, street, city, state, zipcode):
params = {
'METHOD' : "DoDirectPayment",
'AMT' : amt,
'IPADDRESS' : ipaddress,
'ACCT': acct,
'EXPDATE' : expdate,
'CVV2' : cvv2,
'FIRSTNAME' : firstname,
'LASTNAME': lastname,
'STREET': street,
'CITY': city,
'STATE': state,
'COUNTRY' : 'United States',
'RETURNURL' : 'http://www.yoursite.com/returnurl', #edit this
'CANCELURL' : 'http://www.yoursite.com/cancelurl', #edit this
'L_DESC0' : "Desc: ",
'L_NAME0' : "Name: ",
params_string = self.signature + urllib.urlencode(params)
response = urllib.urlopen(self.API_ENDPOINT, params_string).read()
response_tokens = {}
for token in response.split('&'):
response_tokens[token.split("=")[0]] = token.split("=")[1]
for key in response_tokens.keys():
response_tokens[key] = urllib.unquote(response_tokens[key])
return response_tokens
def CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile(self, token, startdate, desc, period, freq, amt):
params = {
'METHOD': 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile',
params_string = self.signature + urllib.urlencode(params)
response = urllib.urlopen(self.API_ENDPOINT, params_string).read()
response_dict = parse_qs(response)
return response_dict
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Great! Glad this is still out in the wild...
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