- Author:
- dodgyville
- Posted:
- August 22, 2008
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- .96
- Score:
- -1 (after 1 ratings)
Tired of adding admin classes to admin.py whenever you add a model? This admin.py automatically keeps itself up-to-date with your models.py file.
It assumes if you have a model: MyModel, you want an admin class called AdminMyModel.
Regards, Luke Miller
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Auto-register admin classes based on models in your project
Questions? email: [email protected]
from django.contrib import admin
from django.db import models as dmodels
from myproject import models
#get the models from myproject.models]
mods = [x for x in models.__dict__.values() if issubclass(type(x), dmodels.base.ModelBase)]
admins = []
#for each model in our models module, prepare an admin class
#that will edit our model (Admin<model_name>, model)
for c in mods:
admins.append(("%sAdmin"%c.__name__, c))
#create the admin class and register it
for (ac, c) in admins:
try: #pass gracefully on duplicate registration errors
admin.site.register(c, type(ac, (admin.ModelAdmin,), dict()))
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You don't need to do this. admin.site.register works if you just pass it in a model with no modeladmin, provided you are OK with the default settings:
If you just want to set a couple of options you don't need to create a ModelAdmin class either - you can pass them directly to register as kwargs as of changeset 8063:
admin.site.register(BlogPost, list_display = ('headline', 'publish_date'))
You only need to create a ModelAdmin subclass if you want to over-ride actual methods, such as the queryset() method to customise which objects show up on the changelist page.
This still avoids having to type:
if you have lots of models...
d'oh, my markup was removed from last post! haha
should be: admin.site.register(your_model_name)
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