Usage: (if you save it as as I did)
{% load pigmentation %} {% autoescape off %} {{ somevariable|pygmentize }} {% endautoescape %}
There already a few of this code around, but this one is pretty clean, and includes css. It also works in both the development server and Dreamhost (python2.4 in my django config) without any unicode problems.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | from django import template
import re
import pygments
import pygments.lexers as lexers
import pygments.formatters as formatters
register = template.Library()
regex = re.compile(r'<code>(.*?)</code>', re.DOTALL)
def pygmentize(value):
last_end = 0
to_return = ''
found = 0
for match_obj in regex.finditer(value):
code_string =
lexer = lexers.guess_lexer(code_string)
except ValueError:
lexer = lexers.PythonLexer()
pygmented_string = pygments.highlight(code_string, lexer, formatters.HtmlFormatter())
to_return = to_return + value[last_end:match_obj.start(1)] + pygmented_string
last_end = match_obj.end(1)
found = found + 1
to_return = to_return + value[last_end:]
to_return += u"<style>%s</style>" % formatters.HtmlFormatter().get_style_defs('.highlight')
return to_return
return value
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I am getting some strange HTML characters like
etc showing up in between my pre tags.
Any idea why that could be?
No idea, maybe you're using an old version of django that doesn't autoescape?
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