- Author:
- ubernostrum
- Posted:
- February 27, 2007
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- Pre .96
- Score:
- 10 (after 10 ratings)
This is, I think, a slightly cleaner implentation of what snippet 31 is trying to do; by starting off with a dictionary containing the things we want to look for, and using a list comprehension to kill anything which comes out of the form as None
, we can avoid some of the intermediate data structures the other snippet was using, and hopefully get better performance.
This is also quite a bit more maintainable, because supporting additional options now only requires adding a new key/value pair to qdict
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | # It's easier to store a dict of the possible lookups we want, where
# the values are the keyword arguments for the actual query.
qdict = { 'available_for': 'property__houselet_available_for',
'available_to_move_in': 'property_available_from',
'district': 'property__district',
'furnished': 'property__houselet__furniture_option',
'max_price': 'property__houselet__rent_price__lte',
'min_price': 'property__houselet__rent_price__gte',
'property_type': 'property__property_type'
# Then we can do this all in one step instead of needing to call
# 'filter' and deal with intermediate data structures.
q_objs = [Q(**{qdict[k]: form.clean_data[k]}) for k in qdict.keys() if form.clean_data.get(k, None)]
search_results = Ad.objects.select_related().filter(*q_objs)
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Hi James,
thanks for doing this, only thing is that in q_objs Q can't be an expression. I'll be posting a rather more verbose version of my first snippet soon... sylistic improvements/corrections/suggestions still very welcome!
Ciao, Lorenzo
Just updated it with the way I should have written it in the first place, using dictionary unpacking to handle the keyword arguments to
. It introduces quite a few more dictionary instantiations, but still keeps the maintainability of the original.#
Very nice James, thanks!
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