This is a very simple approach to "schema evolution" (Not sure if you can even call it so) - I use it for my project: SCT and it seems to work quite nicely.
The idea is, that if you add or change your models, you add a 'changelog' attribute to your class which defines the SQL queries required to update your models. Of course this only works for one database type...
An example 'syncdb' call if a new changelog entry was detected:
kahless@localhost ~/dev/python-new/sphenecommunity/sphenecommunity $ ./ syncdb
Executing module body.
2007-06-16 00: SQL Statement: ALTER TABLE "sphboard_post" ADD markup varchar(250) NULL
Detected changes - Do you want to execute SQL Statements ? (yes,no):
So if the SQL statement won't work with the database the user is currently running, he at least knows exactly what he is expected to change in his models. and he can stop automatic execution by simply entering 'no' here.
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from django.dispatch import dispatcher
from django.db.models import signals, get_apps, get_models
from django.db import backend, connection, transaction
from import ApplicationChangelog
from datetime import datetime
def do_changelog(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs):
app_models = get_models( app )
if app_models == None: return
sql = ()
for clazz in app_models:
changelog = getattr(clazz, 'changelog', None)
if not changelog: continue
#changelog = get_changelog(None)
version = None
currentversion = changelog[-1][0]
currentcl = ApplicationChangelog( app_label = clazz._meta.app_label,
model = clazz._meta.object_name.lower(),
version = currentversion,
applied =, )
appcl = ApplicationChangelog.objects.filter( app_label = clazz._meta.app_label,
model = clazz._meta.object_name.lower(), ).latest()
version = appcl.version
if currentversion == version:
except ApplicationChangelog.DoesNotExist:
# See if model was just created...
if clazz in created_models:
# Store latest version in changelog ...
continue # No need to do anything ...
# We need to do the whole changelog ...
version = None
for change in changelog:
date, changetype, stmt = change
if version != None and version >= date:
# This change was already applied ...
if changetype == 'alter':
sqlstmt = 'ALTER TABLE %s %s' % (backend.quote_name(clazz._meta.db_table), stmt)
sql += (sqlstmt,)
print "%s: SQL Statement: %s" % (date, sqlstmt)
elif changetype == 'update':
sqlstmt = 'UPDATE %s %s' % (backend.quote_name(clazz._meta.db_table), stmt)
sql += (sqlstmt,)
print "%s: SQL Statement: %s" % (date, sqlstmt)
print "Unknown changetype: %s - %s" % (changetype, str(change))
# Store new version ...
if len(sql) > 0:
confirm = 'x'
while confirm not in ('yes', 'no'):
confirm = raw_input("Detected changes - Do you want to execute SQL Statements ? (yes,no): ")
if confirm == 'yes':
curs = connection.cursor()
for sqlstmt in sql:
curs.execute( sqlstmt )
print "Not updating database. You have to do this by hand !"
dispatcher.connect(do_changelog, signal=signals.post_syncdb)
class ApplicationChangelog(models.Model):
app_label = models.CharField(maxlength = 250)
model = models.CharField(maxlength = 250)
version = models.CharField(maxlength = 250)
applied = models.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
get_latest_by = 'applied'
# Example changelog entries:
class Post(models.Model):
# your model fields & co come here
# ....
# the changelog entry define the schema evolution over time
# The list arguments are:
# 1. A unique and incrementing ID of the changelog entry
# 2. The type of statement ('alter' and 'update' supported)
# 3. The SQL statement from AFTER the table name. the 'ALTER TABLE xxxx' or 'UPDATE xxxx' is autogenerated.
# i usually use '<date> <incrementing number>' to identify each changelog entry
# but since it uses simple string comparsion anything which simply counts whould be
# sufficient.
changelog = ( ( '2007-04-07 00', 'alter', 'ALTER author_id DROP NOT NULL', ),
( '2007-06-16 00', 'alter', 'ADD markup varchar(250) NULL', ),
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When you say which one did you mean to change?
just create a file called in your application folder (beside and, etc.)
this will get executed by if you run syncdb for example.
btw. - you will also need to change the line:
to reflect the name of your application where you copied the model code to.
Thanks that worked like a champ! Just a heads up, if the query fails, then the entry still gets added to the application changelog, at least it did for me.
well .. this is kind of intended.. if the query fails, the user has to manually modify the database schema.. (the same is the case if he answers 'no' to the question if the queries should be executed..)
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