- Author:
- leahculver
- Posted:
- April 24, 2007
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- .96
- Score:
- 10 (after 10 ratings)
Renders an select field with some optgroups. Some options can be outside the optgroup(s).
The options and labels should be in a tuple with ((label, choices),) where choices is a tuple ((key, value), (key2, value2)). If a label is null or blank, the options will not belong to an opt group.
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# widget for select with optional opt groups
# modified from ticket 3442
# not sure if it's better but it doesn't force all options to be grouped
# Example:
# groceries = ((False, (('milk','milk'), (-1,'eggs'))), ('fruit', ((0,'apple'), (1,'orange'))), ('', (('yum','beer'), )),)
# grocery_list = GroupedChoiceField(choices=groceries)
# Renders:
# <select name="grocery_list" id="id_grocery_list">
# <option value="milk">milk</option>
# <option value="-1">eggs</option>
# <optgroup label="fruit">
# <option value="0">apple</option>
# <option value="1">orange</option>
# </optgroup>
# <option value="yum">beer</option>
# </select>
class GroupedSelect(forms.Select):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.newforms.util import flatatt, smart_unicode
if value is None: value = ''
final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)
output = [u'<select%s>' % flatatt(final_attrs)]
str_value = smart_unicode(value)
for group_label, group in self.choices:
if group_label: # should belong to an optgroup
group_label = smart_unicode(group_label)
output.append(u'<optgroup label="%s">' % escape(group_label))
for k, v in group:
option_value = smart_unicode(k)
option_label = smart_unicode(v)
selected_html = (option_value == str_value) and u' selected="selected"' or ''
output.append(u'<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>' % (escape(option_value), selected_html, escape(option_label)))
if group_label:
return u'\n'.join(output)
# field for grouped choices, handles cleaning of funky choice tuple
class GroupedChoiceField(forms.ChoiceField):
def __init__(self, choices=(), required=True, widget=GroupedSelect, label=None, initial=None, help_text=None):
super(forms.ChoiceField, self).__init__(required, widget, label, initial, help_text)
self.choices = choices
def clean(self, value):
Validates that the input is in self.choices.
value = super(forms.ChoiceField, self).clean(value)
if value in (None, ''):
value = u''
value = forms.util.smart_unicode(value)
if value == u'':
return value
valid_values = []
for group_label, group in self.choices:
valid_values += [str(k) for k, v in group]
if value not in valid_values:
raise ValidationError(gettext(u'Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.'))
return value
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Awesome. I'm already putting this one to use.
I've updated the snippet and added a custom field that will verify the data is clean.
Version of Django I'm using (Trunc Rev 7028) you'll want to use mark_safe on the return from GroupedSelect.render
return mark_safe(u'\n'.join(output)) #<-- THIS!
Without the mark_safe you'll get escaped HTML from this.
Thanks lanSparks for the tip, but for others reading this, they need to remember to add this to the top of their file:
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
Otherwise that snippet that lanSparks provided will not work.
Thanks a bunch for this code, it helped me tremendously!
Just a little notice with Django 1.0, switch :
Thank you for this snippet, was really helpfull !
Using Django 1.2 you want to switch:
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