Don't repeat yourself: when you wish to have a block of html with a variable value, but only if the variable is set, you can do this:
{% ifvalue as email %}
<h3>Email address</h3>
<a href='mailto:{{ email }}'>{{ email }}</a>
{% endifvalue %}
Instead of this:
{% if %}
<h3>Email address</h3>
<a href='mailto:{{ }}'>{{ }}</a>
{% endifvalue %}
The tags ifvalue and ifnotvalue are provided by this snippet.
If you don't specify as somename
, then the variable's value will be assigned to the name "value".
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 | from django.template import Library
from django.template import FilterExpression, Node, NodeList
from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError, VariableDoesNotExist
register = Library()
def do_ifvalue(parser, token, name, negate=False):
bits = list(token.split_contents())
if len(bits) != 2 and len(bits) != 4:
raise TemplateSyntaxError, "%r takes one or three arguments" % bits[0]
tagname, variable = tuple(bits)[:2]
if len(bits) == 4:
if bits[2] != "as":
raise TemplateSyntaxError, "%r with three arguments must be 'value as name'" % tagname
name = bits[3]
end_tag = 'end' + tagname
nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', end_tag))
token = parser.next_token()
if token.contents == 'else':
nodelist_false = parser.parse((end_tag,))
nodelist_false = NodeList()
expr = FilterExpression(variable, parser)
return IfValueNode(expr, name, nodelist_true, nodelist_false, negate)
def ifvalue(parser, token, name="value"):
Output the contents of the block if the argument is true, assigning
the value of the argument to a context variable ("value" by default).
{% ifvalue %}
{{ value }}
{% else %}
{% endifvalue %}
{% ifvalue as username %}
{{ username }}
{% else %}
{% endifvalue %}
return do_ifvalue(parser, token, name, False)
def ifnotvalue(parser, token, name="value"):
"""Output the contents of the block if the argument is false. See ifvalue."""
return do_ifvalue(parser, token, name, True)
class IfValueNode(Node):
def __init__(self, var, name, nodelist_true, nodelist_false, negate):
self.var = var = name
self.nodelist_true, self.nodelist_false = nodelist_true, nodelist_false
self.negate = negate
def __repr__(self):
return "<IfValueNode>"
def render(self, context):
val = self.var.resolve(context, ignore_failures=True)
context[] = val
if (self.negate and not val) or (not self.negate and val):
return self.nodelist_true.render(context)
return self.nodelist_false.render(context)
def get_nodes_by_type(self, nodetype):
nodes = []
if isinstance(self, nodetype):
return nodes
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I like it a lot! (but it is unneccessarily python2.4-code and incompatible with python2.3)
you might consider not using decorators, but instead the old python style:
maybe in this case it might even be possible to add your tag to the core? (wishful thinking, of course)
@limodou, SmileyChris -- I'd still be using this tag even if I had the expr or with tags; I don't want to have to do:
The assignation of the value to another name is an adjunct to the purpose of entirely omitting the html elements if their contained value is empty.
I've just updated the snippet to support filters; in my templatetag naïveté I'd not known how to this initially.
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