- Author:
- whiteinge
- Posted:
- January 29, 2008
- Language:
- JavaScript
- Version:
- Not specified
- Score:
- 7 (after 7 ratings)
Sometimes it can be time consuming to go through a bunch of objects in Django's
Admin if you only need to update one field in each. An example of this is an
field that allows you to manually set the order for a queryset.
This snippet contains examples of how to set up the Admin list_display to make Ajax calls to a custom view.
The following code may not be worthy of being a snippet, it's all pretty straightforward, but here it is for those who just want to copy-and-paste.
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Sometimes it can be time consuming to go through a bunch of objects in Django's
Admin if you only need to update one field in each. An example of this is an
`order` field that allows you to manually set the order for a queryset.
This snippet contains examples of how to set up the Admin list_display to
make Ajax calls to a custom view (uses jQuery).
The following code may not be worthy of being a snippet, it's all pretty
straightforward, but here it is for those who just want to copy-and-paste.
Here is an example of the order field mentioned above::
order = models.IntegerField(
blank=True, null=True,
help_text="""This field determines the order that products appear on
the site. Enter any number, it does not matter what the number is, only
that it is sequential compared to other products on the site. It is
recommened that you use large numbers such as 100 and 200 to allow room
for additional products or easy reordering in the future."""
In your `models.py` add the following `order_helper` method to your
`list_display` [1]_. This will make <input> elements show up::
def order_helper(self):
return u'''<input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" size="3"
class="order-helper">''' % (self.id, self.order)
order_helper.allow_tags = True
.. [1] http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/model-api/#list-display
Put the following jQuery somewhere that gets executed. This will color the
input boxes if the change succeeded or failed::
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.order-helper').css("margin", "0");
var input = $(this);
url: "./"+ input.attr('name') +"/order/",
data: order=input.attr('value'),
type: "POST",
complete: function(xhr_obj, msg){
if (msg == 'success') {
input.css("border", "1px solid green");
} else {
input.css("border", "1px solid red");
Make a custom view somewhere to recieve the Ajax POST::
def order_helper(request, prod_id):
prod = get_object_or_404(Product, id=prod_id)
prod.order = request.POST.get('order')
return HttpResponse(content='Ok', status=200)
In your `urls.py` add a call to your new view. (If you use the same /admin/...
URL scheme as this example does, it must be *above* your regular Admin URLconf
include statement.)::
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Quick update on previous post. The problem with newforms-admin was down to me incorrectly setting my i_am_an_idiot property ;-)
You do however have to use mark_safe() as well as allow_tags. i.e.
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe ... def order_helper(self): return mark_safe(u'''...etc...etc...''')
Probably a nice idea to set the following two as well:
Should line 43 be something like:
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