#!/usr/bin/env python """Please be aware this code is a stopgap measure that should go away when more complete support for file uploading is added to newforms. This demonstrates one way to do HTTP file upload using Django's groovy new "newforms" approach. There isn't a FileField-type class for newforms yet (as of March 9th, 2007), so you must do some additional work to fetch the uploaded content.""" try: import cStringIO as StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO import zipfile from django import http from django import newforms as forms from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required # You will probably want to work with one or more of your model classes. #from mysite.pix.models import Picture class ZipUploadForm(forms.Form): """A django.newforms class that uses a FileInput widget to accept uploaded .ZIP files.""" zip_file = forms.Field(widget=forms.FileInput()) owner = forms.CharField(max_length=80) def clean_zipfile(self): if 'zip_file' in self.clean_data: zip_file = self.clean_data['zip_file'] if zip_file.get('content-type') != 'application/zip': msg = 'Only .ZIP archive files are allowed.' raise forms.ValidationError(msg) else: # Verify that it's a valid zipfile zip = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(zip_file['content'])) bad_file = zip.testzip() zip.close() del zip if bad_file: msg = '"%s" in the .ZIP archive is corrupt.' % (bad_file,) raise forms.ValidationError(msg) return zip_file def save(self): owner = self.clean_data['owner'] zipdata = self.clean_data['zip_file']['content'] zip = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(zipdata)) for filename in zip.namelist(): # Do something here with each file in the .ZIP archive. # # For example, if you expect the archive to contain image # files, you could process each one with PIL, then create # and populate your models.Picture object and save it. #data = zip.read(filename) #pic = Picture(owner, filename, data) #pic.save() pass zip.close() @login_required def zip_upload(request, template='zipupload.html'): form = None # Typically, we'd do a permissions check here. #if not request.user.has_perm('pix.add_picture'): # return http.HttpResponseForbidden('You cannot add pictures.') if request.POST: post_data = request.POST.copy() post_data.update(request.FILES) form = ZipUploadForm(post_data) if form.is_valid(): success = form.save() return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/pix/upload_success/') else: form = ZipUploadForm() return render_to_response(template, {'form':form}) # Example template for "zipupload.html" {% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

Upload a .Zip file

{{ form }}

Some helpful text really should go here.

{% endblock %}