from django.db import connection, models from django.db.models.signals import post_delete, post_save qn = connection.ops.quote_name class PositionField(models.IntegerField): """A model field to manage the position of an item within a collection. By default all instances of a model are treated as one collection; if the ``unique_for_field`` argument is used, each value of the specified field is treated as a distinct collection. ``PositionField`` values work like list indices, including the handling of negative values. A value of ``-2`` will be cause the position to be set to the second to last position in the collection. The implementation differs from standard list indices in that values that are too large or too small are converted to the maximum or minimum allowed value respectively. When the value of a ``PositionField`` in a model instance is modified, the positions of other instances in the same collection are automatically updated to reflect the change. Assigning a value of ``None`` to a ``PositionField`` will cause the instance to be moved to the end of the collection (or appended to the collection, in the case of a new instance). """ def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, unique_for_field=None, *args, **kwargs): # blank values are used to move an instance to the last position kwargs.setdefault('blank', True) # unique constraints break the ability to execute a single query to # increment or decrement a set of positions; they also require the use # of temporary placeholder positions which result in undesirable # additional queries unique = kwargs.get('unique', False) if unique: raise TypeError( '%s cannot have a unique constraint' % self.__class__.__name__ ) super(PositionField, self).__init__(verbose_name, name, *args, **kwargs) self.unique_for_field = unique_for_field def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): super(PositionField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) # use this object as the descriptor for field access setattr(cls,, self) # adjust related positions in response to a delete or save post_delete.connect(self._on_delete, sender=cls) post_save.connect(self._on_save, sender=cls) def get_internal_type(self): # all values will be positive after pre_save return 'PositiveIntegerField' def pre_save(self, model_instance, add): current, updated = self._get_instance_cache(model_instance) # existing instance, position not modified; no cleanup required if current is not None and updated is None: self._reset_instance_cache(model_instance, current) return current count = self._get_instance_peers(model_instance).count() if current is None: max_position = count else: max_position = count - 1 min_position = 0 # new instance; appended; no cleanup required if current is None and (updated == -1 or updated >= max_position): self._reset_instance_cache(model_instance, max_position) return max_position if max_position >= updated >= min_position: # positive position; valid index position = updated elif updated > max_position: # positive position; invalid index position = max_position elif abs(updated) <= (max_position + 1): # negative position; valid index # add 1 to max_position to make this behave like a negative list # index. -1 means the last position, not the last position minus 1 position = max_position + 1 + updated else: # negative position; invalid index position = min_position # instance inserted; cleanup required on post_save self._set_instance_cache(model_instance, position) return position def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: raise AttributeError('%s must be accessed via instance' % current, updated = self._get_instance_cache(instance) if updated is None: return current return updated def __set__(self, instance, value): if instance is None: raise AttributeError('%s must be accessed via instance' % self._set_instance_cache(instance, value) def _get_instance_cache(self, instance): try: current, updated = getattr(instance, self.get_cache_name()) except (AttributeError, TypeError): current, updated = None, None return current, updated def _reset_instance_cache(self, instance, value): try: delattr(instance, self.get_cache_name()) except AttributeError: pass setattr(instance, self.get_cache_name(), (value, None)) def _set_instance_cache(self, instance, value): has_pk = bool(getattr(instance, # default to None for existing instances; -1 for new instances updated = None if has_pk else -1 try: current = getattr(instance, self.get_cache_name())[0] except (AttributeError, TypeError): if has_pk: current = value else: current = None if value is not None: updated = value else: if value is None: updated = -1 elif value != current: updated = value setattr(instance, self.get_cache_name(), (current, updated)) def _get_instance_peers(self, instance): # return a queryset containing all instances of the model that belong # to the same collection as instance; either all instances of a model # or all instances with the same value in unique_for_field filters = {} if self.unique_for_field: unique_for_field = instance._meta.get_field(self.unique_for_field) unique_for_value = getattr(instance, unique_for_field.attname) if unique_for_field.null and unique_for_value is None: filters['%s__isnull' %] = True else: filters[] = unique_for_value return instance.__class__._default_manager.filter(**filters) def _on_delete(self, sender, instance, **kwargs): current, updated = self._get_instance_cache(instance) # decrement positions gt current operations = [self._get_operation_sql('-')] conditions = [self._get_condition_sql('>', current)] cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(self._get_update_sql(instance, operations, conditions)) self._reset_instance_cache(instance, None) def _on_save(self, sender, instance, **kwargs): current, updated = self._get_instance_cache(instance) # no cleanup required if updated is None: return None if current is None: # increment positions gte updated operations = [self._get_operation_sql('+')] conditions = [self._get_condition_sql('>=', updated)] elif updated > current: # decrement positions gt current and lte updated operations = [self._get_operation_sql('-')] conditions = [ self._get_condition_sql('>', current), self._get_condition_sql('<=', updated) ] else: # increment positions lt current and gte updated operations = [self._get_operation_sql('+')] conditions = [ self._get_condition_sql('<', current), self._get_condition_sql('>=', updated) ] # exclude instance from the update conditions.append('%(pk_field)s != %(pk)s' % { 'pk': getattr(instance,, 'pk_field': qn( }) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(self._get_update_sql(instance, operations, conditions)) self._reset_instance_cache(instance, updated) def _get_update_sql(self, instance, operations=None, conditions=None): operations = operations or [] conditions = conditions or [] params = { 'position_field': qn(self.column), 'table': qn(instance._meta.db_table), } if self.unique_for_field: unique_for_field = instance._meta.get_field(self.unique_for_field) unique_for_value = getattr(instance, unique_for_field.attname) params['unique_for_field'] = qn(unique_for_field.column) # this field is likely to be indexed; put it first if unique_for_field.null and unique_for_value is None: conditions.insert(0, '%(unique_for_field)s IS NULL') else: params['unique_for_value'] = unique_for_value conditions.insert(0, '%(unique_for_field)s = %(unique_for_value)s') query = 'UPDATE %(table)s' query += ' SET %s' % ', '.join(operations) query += ' WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(conditions) return query % params def _get_condition_sql(self, gt_or_lt, position): return '%%(position_field)s %(gt_or_lt)s %(position)s' % { 'gt_or_lt': gt_or_lt, 'position': position } def _get_operation_sql(self, plus_or_minus): return """ %%(position_field)s = (%%(position_field)s %(plus_or_minus)s 1)""" % { 'plus_or_minus': plus_or_minus }