from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden from django.conf import settings class RestrictMiddleware(object): """ This middleware rejects certain requests depending on four tests which are detailed in this classes' `process_request` method. All parameters for the operation of this middleware should be defined in your file. Adding this middleware to your project without specifying any parameters will result in a default policy of all requests being denied. Valid settings options follow: RESTRICT_IP_WHITELIST: a list or tuple of strings representing IP addresses RESTRICT_REFERRER_WHITELIST: a list or tuple of strings to be searched as substrings in a request's HTTP_REFERRER RESTRICT_GET_CODE: a dictionary of key/value pairs which, if specified, will be checked for complete equality with a client's GET paramters. RESTRICT_COOKIE_NAME: a string representing the name of a cookie that will be checked at the beginning of the process and will be set if any of the tests pass. RESTRICT_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE: a string that will be displayed to the user in the event of no tests being passed. """ IP_WHITELIST = [] REFERRER_WHITELIST = [] IP_BLACKLIST = [] GET_CODE = {} COOKIE_NAME = 'auth' ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE = 'Access Denied' def process_request(self, request): """ Processes the HTTP request against a number of tests to determine if access should be granted. First, if the user has a particular cookie set to 'True', they are passed through without further tests. Second, the client's IP address is checked against an IP whitelist. Third, the client's request's GET paramters are checked against an optional set of key value pairs. Fourth, the client's HTTP referrer is checked against a referrer whitelist. The user is considered valid if any one of the tests are evaluated to be true. If none of the tests pass, the user's request is rejected. """ cn = getattr(settings, 'RESTRICT_COOKIE_NAME', self.COOKIE_NAME) if not request.session.get(cn, False): ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] referrer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None) ipw = getattr(settings, 'RESTRICT_IP_WHITELIST', self.IP_WHITELIST) if (ip in ipw or self.valid_host(request, referrer)): request.session[cn] = True else: return self.reject_request() return None def valid_host(self, request, ref): """ Checks the the RESTRICT_GET_CODE. It also checks the referrer against a whitelist. Accepts: * request: this is a Django request object * ref: the client's referrer string Returns: * True if the client is valid * False if the client is not valid Validity in this method is defined by passing one of the following two tests. There can be anywhere from 0 to n get codes which are key- value pairs. These are checked against any GET parameters. If any get codes are specified, all must be present and both key and value must match. If there is a complete match, then this function is short circuited and no other values (such as referrer) are checked. If there were no get codes specified, or if they did not match completely, the referrer is checked against a list of valid referrers. If any of the strings in the RESTRICT_REFERRER_WHITELIST are found in any substring of the client's referrer, then they are passed on as valid. """ ### In our particular use case, the get code trumps all g = None gc = getattr(settings, 'RESTRICT_GET_CODE', self.GET_CODE) if gc: for parameter in gc.keys(): v = request.GET.get(parameter, None) if v and v == gc[parameter]: g = True else: g = False if g != None and g == True: return True ## If they didn't have all the get codes, we check referrer rw = getattr(settings, 'RESTRICT_REFERRER_WHITELIST', self.REFERRER_WHITELIST) if ref: if rw: for host in rw: if (host.lower() in ref.lower()) or (ref.lower() in host.lower()): return True return False def reject_request(self): """ Determines which user-facing message to display, and then returns an HTTP Forbidden response along with that message. """ m = getattr(settings, 'RESTRICT_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE', self.ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE) return HttpResponseForbidden(m)