from copy import copy, deepcopy from django import newforms as forms from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from django.newforms import fields from django.newforms.models import QuerySetIterator, ModelChoiceField, ModelMultipleChoiceField from signet.canvas.fields import BooleanField, NullField class ExtJSONEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder): """ JSONEncoder subclass that knows how to encode django forms into ExtJS config objects. """ CHECKBOX_EDITOR = { 'editor': { 'xtype': 'checkbox' } } COMBO_EDITOR = { 'editor': { #'listWidth': 'auto', 'width': 150, 'xtype': 'jsoncombo' } } DATE_EDITOR = { 'editor': { 'xtype': 'datefield' } } EMAIL_EDITOR = { 'vtype':'email', 'editor': { 'xtype': 'textfield' } } NUMBER_EDITOR = { 'editor': { 'xtype': 'numberfield' } } NULL_EDITOR = { 'fieldHidden': True, 'editor': { 'xtype': 'textfield' }, } TEXT_EDITOR = { 'editor': { 'xtype': 'textfield' } } TIME_EDITOR = { 'editor': { 'xtype': 'timefield' } } URL_EDITOR = { 'vtype':'url', 'editor': { 'xtype': 'textfield' } } CHAR_PIXEL_WIDTH = 8 EXT_DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'editor': TEXT_EDITOR #'labelWidth': 300, #'autoWidth': True, } DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_TYPES = { fields.BooleanField: ["Ext.form.Checkbox", CHECKBOX_EDITOR], fields.CharField: ["Ext.form.TextField", TEXT_EDITOR], fields.ChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox", COMBO_EDITOR], fields.DateField: ["Ext.form.DateField", DATE_EDITOR], fields.DateTimeField: ["Ext.form.DateField", DATE_EDITOR], fields.DecimalField: ["Ext.form.NumberField", NUMBER_EDITOR], fields.EmailField: ["Ext.form.TextField", EMAIL_EDITOR], fields.IntegerField: ["Ext.form.NumberField", NUMBER_EDITOR], ModelChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox", COMBO_EDITOR], ModelMultipleChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox", COMBO_EDITOR], fields.MultipleChoiceField: ["Ext.form.ComboBox",COMBO_EDITOR], NullField: ["Ext.form.TextField", NULL_EDITOR], fields.NullBooleanField: ["Ext.form.Checkbox", CHECKBOX_EDITOR], BooleanField: ["Ext.form.Checkbox", CHECKBOX_EDITOR], fields.SplitDateTimeField: ["Ext.form.DateField", DATE_EDITOR], fields.TimeField: ["Ext.form.DateField", TIME_EDITOR], fields.URLField: ["Ext.form.TextField", URL_EDITOR], } EXT_DATE_ALT_FORMATS = 'm/d/Y|n/j/Y|n/j/y|m/j/y|n/d/y|m/j/Y|n/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|md|mdy|mdY|d|Y-m-d' EXT_TIME_ALT_FORMATS = 'm/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|d' DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_ATTRS = { #Key: django field attribute name #Value: tuple[0] = ext field attribute name, # tuple[1] = default value 'choices': ['store', None], #'default': ['value', None], 'fieldset': ['fieldSet', None], 'help_text': ['helpText', None], 'initial': ['value', None], #'input_formats': ['altFormats', None], 'label': ['fieldLabel', None], 'max_length': ['maxLength', None], 'max_value': ['maxValue', None], 'min_value': ['minValue', None], 'name': ['name', None], 'required': ['allowBlank', False], 'size': ['width', None], 'hidden': ['fieldHidden', False], } def default(self, o): if issubclass(o.__class__, forms.Form): flds = [] for name, field in o.fields.items(): if isinstance(field, dict): field['title'] = name else: = name cfg = self.default(field) flds.append(cfg) flds.append({ "header": "text", "editor": {"width": 144, "allowBlank": True, "fieldHidden": True, "xtype": "textfield", "maxLength": 255}, 'name': 'text' }) return flds elif isinstance(o, dict): #Fieldset default_config = { 'autoHeight': True, 'collapsible': True, 'items': [], 'labelWidth': 200, 'title': o['title'], 'xtype':'fieldset', } del o['title'] #Ensure fields are added sorted by position for name, field in sorted(o.items()): = name default_config['items'].append(self.default(field)) return default_config elif issubclass(o.__class__, fields.Field): default_config = {} if o.__class__ in self.DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_TYPES: default_config.update(self.DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_TYPES[o.__class__][1]) else: default_config.update(self.EXT_DEFAULT_CONFIG['editor']) config = deepcopy(default_config) for dj, ext in self.DJANGO_EXT_FIELD_ATTRS.items(): v = None if dj == 'size': v = o.widget.attrs.get(dj, None) if v is not None: if o.__class__ in (fields.DateField, fields.DateTimeField, fields.SplitDateTimeField, fields.TimeField): v += 8 #Django's size attribute is the number of characters, #so multiply by the pixel width of a character v = v * self.CHAR_PIXEL_WIDTH elif dj == 'hidden': v = o.widget.attrs.get(dj, default_config.get('fieldHidden', ext[1])) elif dj == 'name': v = elif getattr(o, dj, ext[1]) is None: pass #elif dj == 'input_formats': #alt_fmts = [] ##Strip out the '%' placeholders #for fmt in getattr(field, dj, ext[1]): #alt_fmts.append(fmt.replace('%', '')) #v = u'|'.join(alt_fmts) elif isinstance(ext[1], basestring): v = getattr(o, dj, getattr(field, ext[1])) elif ext[0] == 'store': v = { 'autoLoad': True, 'storeId':, 'url': '/csds/ext/rdo/queryset/%s/' % (,), #'xtype': 'jsonstore', } else: v = getattr(o, dj, ext[1]) if v is not None: if ext[0] == 'value': config[ext[0]] = v if ext[0] == 'name': config[ext[0]] = v config['header'] = v elif ext[0] not in ('name', 'dataIndex', 'fieldLabel', 'header', 'defaultValue'): #elif ext[0] in ('allowBlank', 'listWidth', 'store', 'width'): #if isinstance(v, QuerySetIterator): # config['editor'][ext[0]] = list(v) config[ext[0]] = v config['editor'][ext[0]] = v if ext[0] == 'store': config['url'] = v['url'] config['editor']['displayField'] = 'display' #config['editor']['forceSelection'] = True config['editor']['hiddenName'] = config['editor']['lastQuery'] = '' config['editor']['mode'] = 'remote' config['editor']['triggerAction'] = 'all' config['editor']['valueField'] = 'id' elif isinstance(v, unicode): config[ext[0]] = v.encode('utf8') else: config[ext[0]] = v return config else: return super(ExtJSONEncoder, self).default(o)