$(document).ready(function(){ ajax_search(); $("#throbber").html('loading...').hide(); $("#sendFormButton").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ajax_search(); }); $("#searchFormField").keyup(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ajax_search(); }); $("#winkelFormSelect").change(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ajax_search(); }); }); var timeout = null; function ajax_search() { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function(){ $("#throbber").show(); $("#results").slideUp(); //Hide results DIV var search_val=$("#searchFormField").val() var winkel_id=$("#winkelFormSelect").val() var ajax_search_REQ=$.post("./json/", {search: search_val, winkel: winkel_id },function(jsondata){ if (ajax_search_REQ) {ajax_search_REQ.abort();} $("#results").html(result_table(jsondata,search_val,winkel_id)).slideDown(); $("#results table").tableSorter({ sortColumn: 'name', // Integer or String of the name of the column to sort by. sortClassAsc: 'headerSortUp', // Class name for ascending sorting action to header sortClassDesc: 'headerSortDown', // Class name for descending sorting action to header headerClass: 'header', // Class name for headers (th's) stripingRowClass: ['even','odd'], // Class names for striping supplyed as a array. stripRowsOnStartUp: true // Strip rows on tableSorter init. }); $("#results table tr").hover( function() { $(this).addClass("hover"); }, function() { $(this).removeClass("hover"); } ); $("#throbber").hide(); },"json"); }, 400); } function result_table(jsondata,search_val,winkel_id) { var aantal = jsondata.length if (aantal == 0) { return 'Geen producten gevonden'; } else { if (aantal == 1) {html='1 product gevonden';} else {html=''+aantal+' producten gevonden';} html_table=''; html_table+=''; if (winkel_id == 0) { html_table+=''; } html_table+=''; for (i in jsondata){ html_table+=''; } html_table+='
'; html_table+=jsondata[i].naam; html_table+=''; html_table+=jsondata[i].prijs; html_table+=''; if (winkel_id == 0) { html_table+=''+jsondata[i].set.winkel+''; html_table+=''; } html_table+=jsondata[i].omschrijving; html_table+='
'; html+=html_table return html; } }