# Test module import twill from twill import commands as tc from twill.shell import TwillCommandLoop from django.test import TestCase from django.core.servers.basehttp import AdminMediaHandler from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler from StringIO import StringIO # Functions you'll need: def twill_setup(): app = AdminMediaHandler(WSGIHandler()) twill.add_wsgi_intercept("", 8080, lambda: app) def twill_teardown(): twill.remove_wsgi_intercept('', 8080) def make_twill_url(url): # modify this return url.replace("http://www.yourwebsite.com/", "") def twill_quiet(): # suppress normal output of twill.. You don't want to # call this if you want an interactive session twill.set_output(StringIO()) # Example tests. (This code has not been tested, as it # would require a website to exist, but very similar # code is working on my machine) class MyTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): twill_setup() def tearDown(self): twill_teardown() def test1(self): url = "http://www.yourwebsite.com/signup/" twill_quiet() tc.go(make_twill_url(url)) tc.find("Sign up") # sanity check # Fill in the form tc.fv('1', 'user_name', 'newuser1') tc.fv('1', 'email', 'user1@somewhere.com') tc.submit() tc.find("A confirmation email has been sent") def unfinished_test(self): # Some complicated set up here, perhaps url = "http://www.yourwebsite.com/prefs/" tc.go(make_twill_url(url)) # The following will launch into an interactive # twill session cmd = TwillCommandLoop() cmd.cmdloop() # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # In your settings.py used for testing, add this: DEBUG_PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS = True # This will allow exception generated in view code or templates to propagate, # otherwise they are caught by Django in an unhelpful way. Available from # trunk rev 7537