from django import template from django.conf import settings from django.template import Node, TemplateSyntaxError from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict from itertools import ifilter, takewhile import re register = template.Library() SETTINGS_PREFIX = 'SEARCH_' SETTINGS_DEFAULTS = { 'CONTEXT_WORDS': 10, 'IGNORE_CASE': True, 'WORD_BOUNDARY': False, 'HIGHLIGHT_CLASS': "highlight" } def get_setting(name): return getattr(settings, SETTINGS_PREFIX + name, SETTINGS_DEFAULTS[name]) def searchexcerpt(text, phrases, context_words=None, ignore_case=None, word_boundary=None): if isinstance(phrases, basestring): phrases = [phrases] if context_words is None: context_words = get_setting('CONTEXT_WORDS') if ignore_case is None: ignore_case = get_setting('IGNORE_CASE') if word_boundary is None: word_boundary = get_setting('WORD_BOUNDARY') phrases = map(re.escape, phrases) flags = ignore_case and re.I or 0 exprs = [re.compile(r"^%s$" % p, flags) for p in phrases] whitespace = re.compile(r'\s+') re_template = word_boundary and r"\b(%s)\b" or r"(%s)" pieces = re.compile(re_template % "|".join(phrases), flags).split(text) matches = {} word_lists = [] index = {} for i, piece in enumerate(pieces): word_lists.append(whitespace.split(piece)) if i % 2: index[i] = expr = ifilter(lambda e: e.match(piece), exprs).next() matches.setdefault(expr, []).append(i) def merge(lists): merged = [] for words in lists: if merged: merged[-1] += words[0] del words[0] merged.extend(words) return merged i = 0 merged = [] for j in map(min, matches.itervalues()): merged.append(merge(word_lists[i:j])) merged.append(word_lists[j]) i = j + 1 merged.append(merge(word_lists[i:])) output = [] for i, words in enumerate(merged): omit = None if i == len(merged) - 1: omit = slice(max(1, 2 - i) * context_words + 1, None) elif i == 0: omit = slice(-context_words - 1) elif not i % 2: omit = slice(context_words + 1, -context_words - 1) if omit and words[omit]: words[omit] = ["..."] output.append(" ".join(words)) return dict(original=text, excerpt="".join(output), hits=len(index)) class FunctionProxyNode(Node): def __init__(self, nodelist, args, variable_name=None): self.nodelist = nodelist self.args = args self.variable_name = variable_name def render(self, context): args = [arg.resolve(context) for arg in self.args] text = self.nodelist.render(context) value = self.get_value(text, *args) if self.variable_name: context[self.variable_name] = value return "" else: return self.string_value(value) def get_value(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError def string_value(self, value): return value class SearchContextNode(FunctionProxyNode): def get_value(self, *args): return searchexcerpt(*args) def string_value(self, value): return value['excerpt'] @register.tag(name='searchexcerpt') def searchexcerpt_tag(parser, token): """ {% searchexcerpt search_terms [context_words] [ignore_case] [word_boundary] [as name] %} ...text... {% endsearchexcerpt %} """ bits = list(token.split_contents()) if not 3 <= len(bits) <= 8: usage = searchexcerpt_tag.__doc__.strip() raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected usage: %s" % (bits[0], usage)) if len(bits) > 4 and bits[-2] == "as": args, name = bits[1:-2], bits[-1] else: args, name = bits[1:], None nodelist = parser.parse(('endsearchexcerpt',)) parser.delete_first_token() return SearchContextNode(nodelist, map(parser.compile_filter, args), name) @register.filter(name='searchexcerpt') def searchexcerpt_filter(value, arg): return searchexcerpt(value, arg)['excerpt'] searchexcerpt_filter.is_safe = True def highlight(text, phrases, ignore_case=None, word_boundary=None, class_name=None): if isinstance(phrases, basestring): phrases = [phrases] if ignore_case is None: ignore_case = get_setting('IGNORE_CASE') if word_boundary is None: word_boundary = get_setting('WORD_BOUNDARY') if class_name is None: class_name = get_setting('HIGHLIGHT_CLASS') phrases = map(re.escape, phrases) flags = ignore_case and re.I or 0 re_template = word_boundary and r"\b(%s)\b" or r"(%s)" expr = re.compile(re_template % "|".join(phrases), flags) template = '%%s' % class_name matches = [] def replace(match): matches.append(match) return template % highlighted = mark_safe(expr.sub(replace, text)) count = len(matches) return dict(original=text, highlighted=highlighted, hits=count) class HighlightNode(FunctionProxyNode): def get_value(self, *args): return highlight(*args) def string_value(self, value): return value['highlighted'] @register.tag(name='highlight') def highlight_tag(parser, token): """ {% highlight search_terms [ignore_case] [word_boundary] [class_name] [as name] %} ...text... {% endhighlight %} """ bits = list(token.split_contents()) if not 2 <= len(bits) <= 7: usage = highlight_tag.__doc__.strip() raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected usage: %s" % (bits[0], usage)) if len(bits) > 3 and bits[-2] == "as": args, name = bits[1:-2], bits[-1] else: args, name = bits[1:], None nodelist = parser.parse(('endhighlight',)) parser.delete_first_token() return HighlightNode(nodelist, map(parser.compile_filter, args), name) @register.filter(name='highlight') def highlight_filter(value, arg): return highlight(value, arg)['highlighted'] def hits(text, phrases, ignore_case=None, word_boundary=None): if isinstance(phrases, basestring): phrases = [phrases] if ignore_case is None: ignore_case = get_setting('IGNORE_CASE') if word_boundary is None: word_boundary = get_setting('WORD_BOUNDARY') phrases = map(re.escape, phrases) flags = ignore_case and re.I or 0 re_template = word_boundary and r"\b(%s)\b" or r"(%s)" expr = re.compile(re_template % "|".join(phrases), flags) return len(expr.findall(text)) class HitsNode(FunctionProxyNode): def get_value(self, *args): return hits(*args) def string_value(self, value): return "%d" % value @register.tag(name='hits') def hits_tag(parser, token): """ {% hits search_terms [ignore_case] [word_boundary] [as name] %} ...text... {% endhits %} """ bits = list(token.split_contents()) if not 2 <= len(bits) <= 6: usage = hits_tag.__doc__.strip() raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected usage: %s" % (bits[0], usage)) if len(bits) > 3 and bits[-2] == "as": args, name = bits[1:-2], bits[-1] else: args, name = bits[1:], None nodelist = parser.parse(('endhits',)) parser.delete_first_token() return HitsNode(nodelist, map(parser.compile_filter, args), name) @register.filter(name='hits') def hits_filter(value, arg): return hits(value, arg) hits.is_safe = True