import sys from django.db import connection from time import * class ColorSQLMiddleware: """ Color SQL logging middleware. Prints a short summary (number of database queries and total time) for each request. Additionally it will print the raw SQL if any of the configurable tresholds are exceeded, in order to draw your attention to pages that trigger slow or too many queries. The available tresholds are: * Query count * Total Time (for all SQL queries) * Query Time (for individual SQL queries) We're trying to keep the output readable by modest use of ANSI color. Example output ============== This is what you get for normal page views where no treshold was exceeded: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.006s | 3 queries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is what you get for page views where one or more tresholds have been exceeded. Please note that in reality the SQL is *not* truncated. I did that by hand to keep this comment readable: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT "django_session"."session_key","django_session"."session_data", FROM "django_session" WHERE ("django_session"."session_key" = '6495c82cf81b34dc0c4dbb91fc641 SELECT "core_userprofile"."id","core_userprofile"."user_id","core_user FROM "core_userprofile" INNER JOIN "auth_user" AS "core_userprofile__u WHERE ("core_userprofile__user"."username" = 'sook') SELECT "auth_user"."id","auth_user"."username","auth_user"."first_name f","auth_user"."is_active","auth_user"."is_superuser","auth_user"."las FROM "auth_user" WHERE ("auth_user"."id" = 55) SELECT "auth_user"."id","auth_user"."username","auth_user"."first_name f","auth_user"."is_active","auth_user"."is_superuser","auth_user"."las FROM "auth_user" WHERE ("auth_user"."id" = 55) SELECT "auth_message"."id","auth_message"."user_id","auth_message"."me FROM "auth_message" WHERE ("auth_message"."user_id" = 55) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.176s | 5 queries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation ============ Simply put this into your middleware/ directory, into a file called "". Then edit your to enable the middleware: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( ... 'YOURPATH.colorsql.ColorSQLMiddleware', ... ) Finally you may tweak the various options in, see below. Options in (with defaults) ====================================== LOG_COLORSQL_ENABLE = True (boolean) ------------------- True == Enable the middleware (default) False == Disable the middleware, nothing will be printed LOG_COLORSQL_VERBOSE = False (boolean) -------------------- True == The SQL will always be printed. False == The SQL will only be printed if one of the tresholds is exceeded LOG_COLORSQL_WARN_TOTALTIME = 0.5 (float) --------------------------- If the total time for all db queries exceeds this value (in seconds) then the SQL will be printed and the measured time in the summary- line will be printed in YELLOW. LOG_COLORSQL_ALERT_TOTALTIME = 1.0 (float) ---------------------------- If the total time for all db queries exceeds this value (in seconds) then the SQL will be printed and the measured time in the summary- line will be printed in RED. LOG_COLORSQL_WARN_TOTALCOUNT = 6 (integer) ---------------------------- If the number of db queries exceeds this value then the SQL will be printed and the query-count in the summary line will be printed in YELLOW. LOG_COLORSQL_ALERT_TOTALCOUNT = 10 (integer) ----------------------------- If the number of db queries exceeds this value then the SQL will be printed and the query-count in the summary line will be printed in RED. LOG_COLORSQL_WARN_TIME = 0.05 (float) ---------------------- If the time for any individual db query exceeds this value (in seconds) then the SQL will be printed and the offending query be highlighted in YELLOW. LOG_COLORSQL_ALERT_TIME = 0.20 (float) ----------------------- If the time for any individual db query exceeds this value (in seconds) then the SQL will be printed and the offending query be highlighted in RED. """ def process_response ( self, request, response ): from django.conf import settings enable = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_ENABLE', True ) if False == enable: return response verbose = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_VERBOSE', False ) timewarn = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_WARN_TOTALTIME', 0.5 ) timealert = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_ALERT_TOTALTIME', 1.0 ) countwarn = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_WARN_TOTALCOUNT', 6 ) countalert = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_ALERT_TOTALCOUNT', 10 ) qtimewarn = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_WARN_TIME', 0.05 ) qtimealert = getattr( settings, 'LOG_COLORSQL_ALERT_TIME', 0.20 ) # sanity checks... if qtimealert < qtimewarn: qtimewarn = qtimealert if countalert < countwarn: countwarn = countalert if timealert < timewarn: timewarn = timealert ttime = 0.0 for q in connection.queries: time = float(q['time']) ttime = ttime + time if qtimewarn < time: verbose = True count = len(connection.queries) if timewarn <= ttime or countwarn <= count: verbose = True if verbose: print "\033[0;30;1m" print "-" * 70, print "\033[0m" i = 0 for q in connection.queries: time = float(q['time']) if verbose or timewarn <= ttime or countwarn <= count: sql = q['sql'] sql = sql.replace( ' FROM ', '\nFROM ' ).replace( ' WHERE ', '\nWHERE ' ) tcolor = "\033[31m" ptime = "\033[7m %ss \033[0m" % ( time ) if qtimealert > time: tcolor = "\033[33m" if qtimewarn > time: tcolor = "\033[30;1m" ptime = "" print "%s%s" % ( tcolor, sql ), print "%s\033[1m%s\033[0m" % ( tcolor, ptime ) i = i + 1 if i < len(connection.queries): print sys.stdout.write( "\033[0;30;1m" ) print "-" * 70, print "\033[35;1m" time = ttime tcolor = "\033[31;1m" if timealert > time: tcolor = "\033[33;1m" if timewarn > time: tcolor = "\033[30;1m" ccolor = "\033[31;1m" if countalert > count: ccolor = "\033[33;1m" if countwarn > count: ccolor = "\033[30;1m" print "%s %.3fs \033[30;1m| %s%d queries\033[0m" % ( tcolor, time, ccolor, count ) sys.stdout.write( "\033[0;30;1m" ) print "-" * 70, print "\033[0m" return response