import re from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode from django.template import Node, Library register = Library() def strip_empty_lines(value): """Return the given HTML with empty and all-whitespace lines removed.""" return re.sub(r'\n[ \t]*(?=\n)', '', force_unicode(value)) strip_empty_lines = allow_lazy(strip_empty_lines, unicode) class GaplessNode(Node): def __init__(self, nodelist): self.nodelist = nodelist def render(self, context): return strip_empty_lines(self.nodelist.render(context).strip()) def gapless(parser, token): """ Remove empty and whitespace-only lines. Useful for getting rid of those empty lines caused by template lines with only template tags and possibly whitespace. Example usage::

{% gapless %} {% if yepp %} Foo {% endif %} {% endgapless %}

This example would return this HTML::


""" nodelist = parser.parse(('endgapless',)) parser.delete_first_token() return GaplessNode(nodelist) gapless = register.tag(gapless)