#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2007, Dima Dogadaylo (www.mysoftparade.com) # See also: http://www.mysoftparade.com/blog/django-profile-sql-performance/ import os from os import path import sys from datetime import datetime import re import urlparse _PATH_COLUMN = 'Path' def profile(operations): """Do requested profile operations on each from requested apps.""" debug('profile', options) import operator urls = get_urls(options.depth) print('Found %d urls.' % len(urls)) info('urls', urls) for op in operations: results = [] for url in urls: res = op(url) res[_PATH_COLUMN] = url results += [res] results.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(op.sort_key),\ reverse=getattr(op, 'reverse', False)) keys = results[0].keys() keys.remove(_PATH_COLUMN) keys.insert(0, _PATH_COLUMN) # ensure that path column is first # build report table report = [keys] + [[line[key] for key in keys] for line in results] print_report(op.name, report) def check_status_codes(depth=3, ignore_codes=(200,)): """Try to load all known pages and return dictionary of failed pages.""" failed_urls = {} urls = get_urls(depth) for url in urls: resp = _internal_request(url) if resp.status_code not in ignore_codes: failed_urls[url] = {'code': resp.status_code} if resp.status_code == 0: failed_urls[url]['error'] = resp.content return failed_urls def props(**kwargs): def wrapper(func): def executor(*args, **kwargs): output = func(*args, **kwargs) return output for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(executor, key, value) return executor return wrapper @props(name='SQL queries usage', sort_key='SQL', reverse=True) def profile_sql(url): """Find SQL queriers usage for each page""" if options.verbosity: print "profile_sql", url, from django.conf import settings old_debug = settings.DEBUG settings.DEBUG = True from django.db import connection connection.queries = [] responce =_internal_request(url) if options.verbosity: print "%d SQL queries, status code: %s " %\ (len(connection.queries), responce.status_code) if options.verbosity > 1: for query in connection.queries: print query['sql'], query['time'] settings.DEBUG = old_debug return {'SQL': len(connection.queries), 'Status': responce.status_code} @props(name='Page size', sort_key='Size, b', reverse=True) def profile_size(url): """Find size of each page.""" if options.verbosity: print "profile_size", url, responce =_internal_request(url) size = len(responce.content) img = link = 0 if responce.status_code == 200: img = len(re.findall(r'', responce.content)) link = len(re.findall(r'', responce.content)) if options.verbosity: print ", size: %sKb, status code: %s " %\ (size, responce.status_code) return {'Size, b': size, 'Status': responce.status_code, '': img, '': link} def print_report(name, report): """Print report""" row_total = len(report) col_total = len(report[0]) #calculate max length of each column format = [reduce(max, [len(str(report[row][col])) for row in xrange(row_total)])\ for col in xrange(col_total)] total_width = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, format) + col_total - 1 format = " ".join(["%%%ds" % width for width in format]) print "*"*total_width print name print "*"*total_width for row in report: print format % tuple(row) print def get_urls(depth=3, apps=None): urls = set(['/']) if options.read_urls: urls.update(get_predefined_pages(options.read_urls)) info("%s: current len of urls=%s" % (options.read_urls, len(urls))) debug("\n---predefined urls", urls) if depth > 0: debug("\n---urls before get_model_urls()", urls) urls.update(get_model_urls()) if depth > 1: urls.update(get_base_urls(urls)) new_urls = urls while depth > 2 and new_urls: new_urls = get_urls_from_content(new_urls) - urls urls.update(new_urls) depth -= 1 info("depth", depth, "new_urls", len(new_urls)) if not options.all_urls: urls = remove_dublicated_views(urls) return list(urls) def get_model_urls(apps = []): import operator from django.db.models import get_app, get_apps, get_models debug("get_model_urls", apps) # convert app labels to app modules apps = [get_app(app_label) for app_label in apps] or get_apps() # all models of all profiled apps classes = reduce(operator.add, [get_models(app) for app in apps]) debug("all models:\n", classes) # remove classes without get_absolute_url() classes = [cls for cls in classes\ if hasattr(cls, 'get_absolute_url') and\ hasattr(cls.get_absolute_url, '__call__')] debug("models with get_absolute_url():\n", classes) urls = [] for cls in classes: try: if cls._default_manager.count(): url = cls._default_manager.filter()[0].get_absolute_url() debug(cls, " -> ", url) if url: urls += [url] except Exception, e: error("Can't obtain url for %s: %s" % (cls, e)) debug("get_model_urls(): ", urls) return urls def is_valid_url(url): from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve try: resolve(url) return True except: return False def get_base_urls(urls): """Returns also all valid parent urls for each url from urls""" import re debug("get_base_urls(): ", urls) base_urls = set([re.sub(r"/[-\w\?=&%]+/?$", r"/", url) for url in urls]) debug('base_urls', base_urls) base_urls = [url for url in base_urls if is_valid_url(url)] debug('valid base_urls', base_urls) return base_urls def iter_page_urls(page, url): """ Parse page and generate embedded urls. >>> lines = (' ', ... ' ', ... ' ') >>> page = "\\n".join(lines) >>> [u for u in iter_page_urls(page, '/dir/')] ['/abs/url/', '/dir/href', '/dir/new_line', '/dir/caSe'] """ for i in re.finditer(r']*?href="(?P[^"]*?)".*?>', page, re.I): href = i.group('href') # bypass external urls, anchors and empty string if not href or re.match('^(ftp|http[s]?)://.+|^#.*', href): continue if href and not href[0] == '/': from urlparse import urljoin href = urljoin(url, href) yield href def get_urls_from_content(urls): """Returns link to resources contained inside pages.""" debug('\nget_urls_from_content', urls) hrefs = set([]) for url in urls: responce = _internal_request(url) if responce.status_code == 200: for path in iter_page_urls(responce.content, url): hrefs.add(path) debug('hrefs', hrefs) return hrefs def remove_dublicated_views(hrefs): """Remove pages mapped to same view.""" from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve, Resolver404 resolvers = [] unique_urls = [] for href in hrefs: try: r = resolve(href) if not r: continue except Resolver404: continue view, args, kwargs = r[0], list(r[1]), r[2] # resolve() don't return url mapping name, and when generic views are used # it's a problem, so we do this trick to find # "really" different generic views args = [arg for arg in args if arg not in href] kwargs = dict([k, v] for k, v in kwargs.items()\ if not isinstance(v, basestring) or v not in href) r = (view, args, kwargs) if r not in resolvers: resolvers += [r] unique_urls += [href] return unique_urls def get_predefined_pages(fname): if os.path.exists(fname) and os.path.isfile(fname): f = None try: try: f = open(fname, 'rb') return [line.strip() for line in f] except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("get_predefined_pages %s: %s" % (path, e)) finally: close_file(f) return [] def _internal_request(url): """Request page with internal Django client.""" from django.test.client import Client # many code assume request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] and etc client = Client(REMOTE_ADDR="", HTTP_HOST="localhost") try: resp = client.get(url) except Exception, e: error('url=%s error=%s' % (url, e)) resp = type('object', (), {'status_code':0, 'content': str(e)}) if resp.status_code in (500,) and options.save_errors: save_page(resp.content, url, options.save_errors) return resp def save_page(page, url, dir): fname = url2path(url, dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fname)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname)) write_file(fname, page) def url2path(url, dir): scheme, location, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url) if not path or path.endswith('/'): path += 'index.html' return os.path.join(dir, "_".join(path.split('/'))) def error(*args): for arg in args: print >>sys.stderr, arg, print >>sys.stderr def info(*args): if options.verbosity > 0: for arg in args: print arg, print def debug(*args): if options.verbosity > 1: for arg in args: print arg, print def write_file(path, content, mode = "wb"): """Write content to file and retunr True is writing was sucessfull.""" f = None try: try: f = open(path, mode) f.write(content) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("write_file %s: %s" % (path, e)) return False finally: close_file(f) return True def close_file(f): """Close file and retunr True is file was closed.""" try: if f: f.close() return True except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("close_file %s: %s" % (f, e)) return False PROFILERS = { 'sql': profile_sql, 'size': profile_size, } _default_options = {'verbosity': 0, 'read_urls': './profile-pages.txt', 'depth': 4, 'all_urls': False, 'test': False, 'save_errors': None} # will be redefined if run from command line options = type('DefaultOptions', (), _default_options) _usage = """%prog [options] [app_name ...]""" def execute_from_command_line(argv): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(version='0.1', usage = _usage) parser.set_defaults(**_default_options) parser.add_option('--settings', help='Python path to settings module, e.g. "myproject.settings.main". If this isn\'t provided, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable will be used.') parser.add_option('--pythonpath', help='Lets you manually add a directory the Python path, e.g. "/home/djangoprojects/myproject".') parser.add_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'], help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output') parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true',\ dest='all_urls', help='Profile all found urls without view checking.') parser.add_option('--test', action='store_true',\ dest='test', help='Run django-profile doctests.') parser.add_option('--check', action='store_true',\ dest='check', help='Check status codes and report broken pages.') parser.add_option('--depth', action='store', dest='depth',\ help='Logical url searching depth; 0,1,2,3') parser.add_option('--read_urls', help='Optional file with paths of pages to profile. Default ./profile-pages.txt') parser.add_option('--save_errors', help='Directory to save pages with 500 status code and other errors. No default.') global options options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if options.test: import doctest doctest.testmod() return try: profilers = args and [PROFILERS[ind] for ind in args] or PROFILERS.values() except Exception, e: parser.error("Invalid indicators==%s:%s" % (args, e)) options.verbosity = int(options.verbosity) options.depth = int(options.depth) if options.settings: os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = options.settings if options.pythonpath: sys.path.insert(0, options.pythonpath) if not options.settings and not options.pythonpath: # behave like a manage.py try: import settings # Assumed to be in the same directory. except ImportError: import sys sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file 'settings.py' in the directory containing %r.\nYou'll have to run django-profile.py, passing it your settings module.\n(If the file settings.py does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__) sys.exit(1) from django.core.management import setup_environ setup_environ(settings) if options.check: failed = check_status_codes() for url, reason in failed.items(): print url, '->', reason return profile(profilers) if __name__ == '__main__': execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)